Chapter 28

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Rip Ranboo's monitor, I guess Tubbo is in his strong arc - Author CV

Carly's POV

I was currently sitting on the floor in the library alone listening to some music while reading a Flash comic book. I would be hanging out with my friend but she moved away last week so back to doing what I used to, passing the time while waiting for my next class to start. "The Flash, you a nerd or something?" I heard someone say I paused my music and looked up to see a guy looking down at me as he leans against a bookshelf.

"Yeah what about it" I replied giving him a bored look. He gives me a half smile and sits down next to me. "Nothing wrong with it, I like to do the same thing." He chuckled pulling out a Superman comic. "I'm Cameron Walsh" He stated looking over at me. "Carly Gold" I gave him a quick glance before going back to my comic. "You always this enthusiastic and talkative?" He joked looking down at his comic. "Yup" I said popping the p, not looking at him. "Who hurt you?"

"Excuse me?" I reply in shock. "Well seems like you are in a sour mood so I'm assuming-" The bell rang signaling the end of our lunch period. "Well maybe I wanted to be left alone. Don't assume things about me. You don't know me." I said while rushing to put my things in my bag before rushing to my locker. I sighed in relief as I made it to the door of my physics class only to walk in and notice Cameron.

I mentally grumble to myself when I notice the only available seat was next to him. "Welcome to class sunshine" He joked as I sat down.  "Sunshine, really?" "See you are just a delight to be around. Do you have any friends?" He asked resting his head in his hand looking at me. "Wow you are just so nice. Yes I have friends, no they don't go to this school. Yes I'm telling the truth" I said plainly opening my notebook. "Really? Can I see proof?" 

"Because you just don't seem like a person who likes talking." He said still looking at me. I just sighed and pulled out my phone showing him pictures. "Wow she was telling the truth" He joked scrolling through the pictures. "They also look older than you. Who are they?" "Well my brother Wil" I pointed at Wilbur in the picture before continuing. "Plays games with these people, they are like family. Since Wil and I are close they became the best friends I didn't know I needed."

"And for the record the age difference between us isn't as big as you think." I said before he handed back the phone and I put it back in my bag. "Alright, but they all look familiar especially your brother. I swear I've seen them before." "Mr. Walsh and Miss Gold please pipe down I'm trying to teach." Our teacher commented and we apologized before scribbling down the notes she was giving us.

"Carly tell me something, why are you so cold to me? I want to be friends and you aren't giving me a chance." He whispered looking up from his notebook. "I don't know if I can trust you just yet Cameron. Please don't take it personally. I'm sure you are lovely but I just can't trust people so easily." I whispered back still writing down the notes. 

Time Skip 

I quickly make my way out of my last class of the day trying to make it out of this hell hole. I was making my way towards the gates when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Me being me I flinched and looked to see Cameron. "Where are you off to Gold?" He asked as we continued our way to the front gates. "I'm leaving like everyone else" I said keeping a straight face. "Do you ever smile?" "I do when I have something to smile about. I'll catch you later Cameron"

I said seeing Toby sitting in the grass. "Oh so you enjoy my company?" "Goodbye Cam" "Ha you do. You called me Cam" I gave him a look as to say Don't push it. He just laughed and jogged off. "Yay you finally made it" Toby said smiling when I walked over to him. "I'm sorry I was talking to someone" I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before we start our descent to his house. "Talking to someone? You made a new friend?" He asked looking at me with a smile. 

"Well I wouldn't call him a friend just yet but we are getting there I guess" I said kicking a rock. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "I mean he's a nice person, I just don't know if he's trustworthy just yet." I said as I laced our fingers together. "I say give him a chance my love. I'm sure he's not a bad person." He said giving me a warm smile. "Don't worry, he was going to get a chance anyway" I said and we walked to Toby's house in silence.

"Yay you brought Carly with you today" Toby's mum said when she saw us walk past the lounge. "Hello Mrs. Smith how are you?" I greeted while Toby walked over to his and Ranboo's part of the house. "I'm doing very well, I heard what happened with your parents are you alright?" She questioned giving me an apologetic look. "I'm doing better now knowing my father is in prison and my mother is in a mental institution." I said fidgeting with my necklace.

"Well I'm just glad you are unharmed. Send my well wishes to Wilbur will you? I feel terrible that he is in pain." "Will do Mrs. Smith" I then go over to Ranboo and Toby's part of the house. When I opened the door I see Ranboo asleep on the sofa and Toby is on his bed phone in hand. "Hello love, I see you forgot your extra clothes you usually pack so here" He then handed me one of his hoodies and a pair of joggers. "Thank you Bee"

I said giving him a hug then taking the clothes over to the bathroom. I quickly changed into them and tied my long hair into a bun. I folded my clothes and stuffed them into my book bag before walking out of the bathroom to sit next to Toby on his bed. We were just talking about our day when he just pulls me into a short but sweet kiss. He laughs a little at my shocked look before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I really do love you I hope you know that." He said and I just smiled at him. "I love you too Bee." He then lays down and pulls me down with him so my head is on his chest and his arms went around my shoulders. I love him so much. I know what it feels like to not have him in my life and I hope I never have to go through that again. I thought to myself feeling my eyes getting heavy. "You can take a nap love, I know today was a lot for you" I heard him whisper to me and give my head a kiss before I drifted off to sleep.


Word Count: 1241

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