Chapter 3

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Carly's POV A Week Later 

I woke up to my phone ringing and I rub my eyes slightly before looking at my phone.

Toby :)

I smile and answer the FaceTime call. "Hello" I greeted groggily when it connected. "Oh did I wake you up?" He asked, I could see he felt bad. "Yeah but it's okay I needed to get up anyway." I yawned. "I feel bad, I'm sorry" He said fidgeting with something off camera. "Toby it's okay for real don't worry about it." I said walking over to the bathroom to start brushing my hair and teeth. "Hey why isn't your camera on?" He asked looking at his phone.

"Because I just woke up and my hair isn't brushed." I stated. "So, there has been many times you've seen my bed head Carly. It's probably not that bad please turn the camera on. I wouldn't have FaceTimed you if I didn't want to see your face." He said but instantly went bright red. I blushed and turned on the camera. "See your hair looks pretty, like always" He said which caused me to blush even more. "Thanks Toby"

I smile and continue to brush my hair before putting it into double plaits. I brush my teeth then go back to laying down. I contemplated changing clothes but I'm just too comfortable.

 I contemplated changing clothes but I'm just too comfortable

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Toby and I have been on call for an hour when I hear a knock on my door

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Toby and I have been on call for an hour when I hear a knock on my door. Wow he's knocking? Mum and dad never knocked, they just opened the door. Even when I locked it, they would just unlock it. "Come in" I said and Will poked his head in. "Hey pip I'm going to mum and dad's to legalize the guardianship. There is breakfast on the table and when I get back I will enroll you into the nearest school alright?" He said fidgeting with his keys.

"Okay I'll have everything cleaned up and have lunch ready when you get back."  I said giving him a hug before he leaves. I go over to my phone and pick it up to see Toby looking confused. "What did he mean by legalize the guardianship? Your parents are alive?" He questioned. Oh right I never told him or Tommy why I live with Will. "So apparently I am a handful because my parents were going to send me to France to live with some people called the Johnson's.

Will told me mum accidently sent him a text that was meant for Mrs. Johnson and when he asked what she meant she told him what was going to happen. He was having none of it so when I woke up I heard yelling coming from downstairs. I listened from the top of the stairs hearing that basically they don't want me and I would be living in France. Wilbur got even more angry and told them that I would be living with him.

So we packed up all my stuff and I am living with him now. But he needs to be my legal guardian in order for me to legally live here." I explained. I could see the shock and sadness written all over his face. "Wow that's fucked up. I'm so sorry you have to go through that." He said. "It's okay honestly this last week I've been happier with Wil than the seventeen years I lived in that house." I said making my way to the kitchen seeing eggs and toast on the table.

I didn't see dishes in the sink so I ate my food still talking to Toby and when I finished I cleaned up around the house. Toby and I reached the three hour mark on our FaceTime call, we are laughing, telling jokes, and just having pleasant conversations. I made some sandwiches for when Will came back. I was on the couch laughing at a stupid joke Toby made when Wilbur walked through the front door. "Okay Pip everythin-."

He stopped mid sentence noticing the house is literally spotless. "Holy shit, I was gone for 2 hours and it looks like no one has been here in weeks." He said in absolute disbelief. "I told you I was gonna clean up. Did you think I was lying William?" I joked. "Well you go get packed we leave to the bnb early in the morning." He said putting his keys on the little table by the door. "Hi Wilbur" Toby said once Wil sat down on the sofa next to me.

"Oh hello Tubbo. I didn't know you were on the phone." He said showing himself on the call. "Ya we've been on call for hours." Toby said which caused me to blush. I know Will saw it because he just raised an eyebrow at me. "Well Carly needs to hang up soon since she needs to pack for tomorrow." Wilbur said taking his phone out. "SHE'S COMING TOO?" He asked in shock. "Of course, did you really think Will would have just left me alone for two weeks."

I said looking down at the phone. "No... Okay maybe, but it doesn't matter since you'll be coming with him. I finally get to meet yo- I mean Tommy and I get to finally meet you in person." He said stumbling on his words a bit which only caused me to smile. "I know I can't wait. Well I'm going to pack now, I'll call you later okay?" I said smiling at him. "I'll hold you to that, bye Carly." "Bye Toby." I said waving into the camera before hanging up.

"So, you and Tubbo?" Will said wiggling his eyebrows. "I-it's not like that." I stuttered and threw a pillow at him. "Uhuh sssuuurrree whatever you say pip squeak." He remarked sarcastically. I just flipped him off before heading to my room to pack.


Word Count: 1012

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