Chapter 6

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Tubbo's POV

I blushed hard when Carly rested her head on my shoulder and I kept my gaze out the window until my face returned to it's normal colour. I looked down at her and she was asleep, I smiled down at her. I saw a flash and looked over to see Tommy with his phone in his hands. He gave me a smile and sent the photo to me. "You're welcome my friend." He said with a wink. I turned red looking at the photo before I turned to look out the window again.

Pull yourself together Toby. She's Wilbur's sister I feel like me having a crush on his sister is wrong. "So Tommy, Tubbo, how're you liking Carly?" Wilbur asked looking at us through the rear view mirror. "She's cool for a woman." Tommy replied which caused Wilbur to send him a glare. "I'm kidding man, she's cool." He laughed and that caused Carly to shift and cuddle into me more. "What about you Tubbo, what do you think?" He asked. 

"She's great, I really like her... I uh as a friend." I stuttered turning red again. I heard Niki giggle "Awe Tubbo, you have a crush on her don't you?" she said and I blushed even more. I swear my face is going to melt with how hot it is. "You do, that's cute." Wilbur said which made me somewhat relieved. So he doesn't have a problem with that? I can't tell if he's actually bothered by it or not. I just gave an awkward smile and looked at all the buildings we passed by. 

Time Skip

Carly's POV

"Hey Carly get up." I heard Toby say while shaking me but I didn't want to move. "WAKE UP BITCH." Tommy yelled which caused me to jump and open my eyes. "See told you Tubbo loud works." He laughed. I look around and saw we were at the arcade. "Pip you sleep too much, come on we are all waiting on you." Will said opening his door, we all got out of the car and start making our way to the arcade. 

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you." I apologized looking at the ground. "Hey it's no problem you were tired, I hope I was comfortable." He jokes patting my shoulder. We walked in awkward silence listening to the others talk shit and joke about. Occasionally while we walked side by side our hands would brush up against each other. "If you are trying to hold my hand then commit." I joked whispering to him. 

"N-no I-I wasn't I-I" He stuttered before he just grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together. I blushed a dark red and my eyes went wide wondering where this confidence came from. He gave my hand a little squeeze, I gave his hand a squeeze back before we reached the entrence and I let go of his hand. "We're here, can I get a pogchamp." Tommy said before running inside. We have been in this arcade for 3 hours, we are down to our last tokens Toby and I.

"Hey look, there's a claw machine." Toby said pointing over to the game. It had colourful lights with many different stuffed animals inside. "Hey look there's a kiwi plush, maybe I can win it for you. I know they're your favorite." He offered giving me a smile. "You don't have to." I said smiling and blushing. "No I do, come on." He replied taking my hand and leading me to the claw machine. It took three tries but he ended up winning it. "Look I did it! Here you go."

He cheered, happily handing me the kiwi. "Thank you Toby, you're too sweet." I thanked him and gave him a hug. "OI love birds! It's time for Carly to get her arse kicked in air hockey." Wilbur shouted which caused us to quickly jump apart. "Do you ever shut up William?" I asked with a blush on my face making my way over to the air hockey table. It was Wilbur and Tommy vs me and Tubbo, surprisingly Toby was right today was different because we ended up winning.

"HA HA SUCK IT WILBUR" I shouted flipping him off while also sticking my tongue out at him. "See, I told you we could do it." Toby said and we gave each other high fives. "Okay guys it's getting late let's get back to the Airbnb." Dream said. "GUYS LOOK I GOT MY VLOG GUN." Tommy shouted waving the package around. "Oh no." Toby and I whispered looking at each other. "Carly where did you get that?" Niki asked pointing to my kiwi bird plush.

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