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Samantha's POV

"Cassie?" I said as I frowned in confusion.

She nodded, tapping with her pink nails against the old table. "Please come and sit"

I crossed my arms over my chest and took a deep breath of the dusty air "tell me why"

She sighed and closed her eyes for a second "please?"

I walked on the cold floor over to the White chair in front of Cassie's over styled face.

I met her eyes "now tell me why you literally kidnapped me and forced me here"

She nodded and moisturised her pink lips "I'm going to tell you everything, because I think that you deserve to know why I abandoned you"

I nodded as I once again crossed my arms over my chest, giving all of my attention over to Cassie.

"When I was a teenager I did a lot of stupid things and bad choices. I skipped school, started to smoke and drank way too much even if I was a minor. My parents threw me out on the street when they found out that I was pregnant with you with my ex Lorenzo, your father. I lived with him and worked daily on a storage to pay the bill on Lorenzo's apartment to keep us on the road. He introduced me to drugs and I took them, daily. I was obsessed and the nurses told me that it was a miracle that I didn't had lost you at that time. You were luckily healthy but doctors and nurses told me that you would be born dead if I didn't stopped instantly. I cried, every night because I was literally killing myself and my baby." Tears fell down her cheeks "I stopped with drugs and started to smoke instead, but Lorenzo didn't liked that I stopped taking the drugs so he started to beat me. I broke up with him and left before my injuries got too bad, I was homeless and broke. I had no other choice than to seek help at my parents and decided to walk home to them a late September night, I knocked on the White door, 38 weeks pregnant and soak wet by the rain. Mom cried and let me inside. She took care of me until I was about to give birth. I didn't wanted you to live the same experience I went though, I just couldn't let you do it. And I couldn't keep you because I was broke and too young. I searched for adoption parents and Derek and Carol was the only couple I found was good enough for you. I didn't meet you but they sent me pictures and I even got to send you birthday gifts. Then when I asked to meet you they refused, they turned against me and declined my gifts I sent you. I did everything to meet you. But they threatened with the police and I knew that all I could do was to give up. And I'm really sorry Sam, I'm sorry that I abandoned you"

I was very shocked, and touched by her words. Some tears had escaped from my eyes and I actually couldn't imagined what Cassie had went through when she was little, that I actually was the big problem in the first place.

"I'm sorry"

She wiped away some mascara from her eyes "why are you apologising?"

"Because it was my fault that you turned out like this"

She looked at me before she stood up and walked over to me with fast steps. She sat down on her knees in front of me and took my hands in hers "Samantha you was the best thing that ever happened to me. Even if I was dumb enough to give you away I always cared for you. I kept all the photos of you and tried to send you cards and presents but I guess that they never reached you"

I sobbed as I placed my arms around her and hugged her. She was my mom. My real mom.

"And then I need to ask you about harry" she said and looked up at me.

"I'll tell you everything"

She smiled and placed her hands on my cheeks. She gently wiped away some tears underneath my eyes with her thumbs as she stood up.

"I've known him for a long time, he's a good guy"

I nodded "I thought that too"

"I know that you'll hate me for this but It was actually me who killed his father"

I raised my brows "what?"

She sighed and looked down at her hands "when he was married to Elena we had an affair. She found out and was about to sue me. And to help harry and to cover the evidence I planned to kill him"

I nodded "I'm not going to judge you"

"I wouldn't blame you if you did. I'm sick and I've applied to a rehab centre in Colorado"

"That's good" I said as I placed my hands together onto my lap.

"So don't blame Harry on this. He's never loved someone and he hasn't been able to love someone either. He had a really rough start in life that made him who he is today. But he has changed, you have changed him Samantha"

"What kind of rough start?" I asked and Cassie pulled her hand through her blonde hair.

"He used drugs as well. He was a bad kid and got hit by his father. His mother couldn't do anything because she was too scared so she applied for a divorce. Harry lived with his mom, but he was still scarred for life after what his dad did to him. I can't explain how he was able to get this successful after everything he's been through. It's actually a miracle that he's alive because one time I thought that he was about to loose it"

Guilt was twisting inside my stomach and I blamed myself for being so hard against him earlier. I didn't knew about his relation to his father or that he got beaten as a kid.

"I need to find him" I said and Cassie nodded.

"I'll drive you"

We left the scary house and jumped into the black van who drove me here in the first place. We drove away quickly and Cassie tried to give Smith directions while he drove like a car thief on the road.

I picked up my phone and dialled Harry's number. Directly to voicemail.

I sighed. I bet he hates me.

After an hour of driving Smith stopped outside Styles Industries and it was about 7 am in the morning.

I was tired and hadn't slept for over than 24 hours. I jumped outside and ran towards the big doors. Luckily I saw Debby on the other side of the glass doors.

She frowned when she noticed me running through the doors towards her.

"Whoaaah" she said as I stopped in front of her, breathing heavily.

"Is Harry here?" I was stressed. I needed to know fast.

"yeah, why?" She asked very confused.

"I need to see him"

She didn't looked convinced "I-I don't think that's a good idea"

I arched a brow "why?"

"He seemed pretty mad this morning" she said and shrugged.

"I don't care if he's mad, I need to see him"

"Okay, but I warn you. He's not nice when he's mad"

I rolled my eyes and jogged towards the elevators and pressed on the button. Luckily it was already on this floor.

I stepped inside the metallic elevator and pressed on the 20th button and felt how my heart began to race.

"What it is about elevators?" I whispered to myself as I took deep breath trying to calm down.

The elevator stopped and the door slide open for me. My eyes fell directly onto the grey door. I swallowed hard and pulled my hands through my hair as I took my bottom lip between my teeth.

I stepped outside from the elevator and walked towards the door with confidence. I closed my eyes and took a last breath of hope as I pushed down the door handle and opened the door wide open. Fuck.

My eyes was stuck and my heart stopped beating as I looked into his light office. I recoiled from the door and every glance of hope was gone from my tired and sore body.

To be continued....

much love xx

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