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Samantha's POV

I wiped away some tears underneath my eyes as the elevator reached the bottom floor at styles industries. I can't believe that this is actually over, that I actually broke up with him for good.

I walked outside into the light up lobby in the direction of Debby's desk as I tried to cover up my 'I just cried my fucking eyes out in the elevator' face before she would see me. When she saw me she frowned I shock.

"What happened?!" She said as she studied my red and swollen face.

Damn. My coverup didn't work. Well, time to explain.

"It's over"

"The agreement?"

I looked down towards my feet "everything"

She raised a brow "what do you mean by everything Samantha? It was just an agreement?" She said and giggled a little uncomfortably.

I looked up at her "he loves me"

Her blue eyes turned big as golf balls "WHAT?"

I nodded "and I love him"

Her jaw dropped to the floor "where have I been the whole time? How could I miss this?!" She said and leaned back against her chair to absorb the new information I told her.

"It's been pretty intimate. We've never really been together in public"

"Maybe that the reason" she said and looked up at me "but sweetheart tell me everything" she grabbed my hands from the other side of the desk.

I laughed softly "There's nothing to talk about, I left him"

"You did?"

"Yes, I'm not worth him. I tried to change him into someone he wasn't"

She nodded "I understand, but that you made him fall in love with you, that's very odd. He's never loved anyone, and then I mean NEVER" she said and underlined 'ever' in the sentence.

I looked down at our reunited hands "I know"

"But one thing is for sure. When Harry wants something, he works until he gets it, he won't give up on you Sam, I can guarantee you that"

I arched a brow "I just left him Debbie, why would he even give me another minute of his attention?"

She smirked "well, it's easy Sam, he loves you"

I laughed softly at her. Yeah right, like he would give me another second of his time. I literally just gave him the biggest rejection that could ever leave my mouth, and if he still wants to have me after that, then he's stupid. He's a billionaire for gods sake, he can get whoever he wants. He can get someone better, someone who's able to take care of his needs. His sexual needs. And even if I love him from the bottom of my heart I can't be with him. Because I can't stand by changing him into someone he isn't.

"I'm fucked up Debbie, and after the rejection I gave him he probably hates me now"

She smirked widely again "Sam" *she leaned over towards me* "he's never been rejected before. I bet this turns him on"

I raised my brows "what?"

She took her bottom lip between her teeth "he's a control freak sweetheart, no one have ever rejected him"

"And?" I said and shrugged. What's the big deal?

"I bet he's on his way down right now"

I rolled my eyes and turned my head out towards the white leather chairs in the other side of the bright lobby. "yeah right"

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