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Harry's POV

I was sitting in the couch by the open fire as I typed in Samantha's number into my phone, I've tried to call her all day but she hasn't answered or returned to any of my millions of calls so I'm worried that something have happened. I pulled my hand through my hair before i unbuttoned two buttons on my white shirt. Dorothea walked into the room with a mop into her hands while she was wearing a blue pair of headphones in her ears playing some old Russian music. I pressed on the green button before I slowly placed the phone against my ear and waited for her to pick up, right to the voicemail as i thought.

I sighed heavily as I locked my phone and put it away on the table, why isn't she answering to any of my calls? Or even responding to any of them? Thousands of thoughts were flying around in my head like a swirl but I just couldn't figure it out, figure out why she's been avoiding me all day, figure out why she hasn't called me back yet.

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Samantha's POV

I pulled down the little black dress over my hips that Liz had bought for me last year, it was for my birthday. It was tight and showed all of my curves and my figure, I curled my hair softly with my flatiron and applied just some mascara and some light blush on my cheeks. My phone buzzed and another missed call from harry lit up the screen, I sighed. Not again.

I decided not to bring my phone to the Hemmings tonight, not just that I wanted to avoid him, it's just that I'm disappointed, broken more exactly. Broken because I thought that a man with no feelings ever would love someone, would ever love me.

I took my pair of black converse and walked downstairs to mom who was already standing by the door.

"You look gorgeous!" She said and gave me a warm smile.

She was wearing a red cotton dress and black leather heels, my beautiful mom.

"You too" I said and mom couldn't help but smile.

"Is harry meeting us there or?" Mom asked and I lowered my eyes.

"He's not coming, he's busy"

"Oh, with work?"

"Yes, it's not easy to own a billionaire company"

Mom nodded "that's true, but tie on your shoes so we can go"

I giggled softly as I tied on my shoes and grabbed my leather jacket before I walked with my mom outside and further down to the car by the sidewalk. I jumped into the backseat and fastened my seatbelt as dad slowly drove down the road.

"Two beautiful ladies, I'm a lucky man"

Mom giggled and so did I, I hope that this night is going to be fun. I hope that I can talk with lucas so we can solve things out and maybe go back to being friends, he's after all been my best friend and boyfriend for several years.

Dad parked the car outside a tall and brown building before he walked with me and mom inside the entrance, we took the elevator to the 7th floor and walked to the brown wooden door with the name 'Kelly Hemmings" on. Dad knocked and after a couple of seconds Liz opened the door.

"Hey! Please come inside!" She said and I smiled widely as her eyes met mine.

"I hope you guys are hungry because I've been cooking for hours!" Liz said as she walked into the kitchen.

"I'm always hungry Liz!" Dad jokes as he walked after Liz into the kitchen.

I walked with mom slowly into the dinner room where Liz had settled the table with candles and white Lily's.

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