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Samantha's POV.

Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it in my bones as I could hear birds sing before I walked inside Styles Industries, I walked towards Debby's desk to tell her I was here.

"Hey sunshine" she said and looked at me.

"Hello to you too"

"I want to try out the new Greek restaurant today, wanna come?" She asked as she tapped on her computer.

"Count on me" I said and smiled.

"I just need to ask, girl to girl?" She said.

I nodded and smiled.

"Have you done something with your boobs? Because they're so huge today" she whispered.

"OMG no" I said and blushed.

A blonde girls in a short dress walked inside the doors and made her way towards us.

"Hey, I'm here to meet Mr. Styles for an interview?" She said and smiled.

I arched my brow at Debby.

"I'll show you, just wait by the elevators" I said and she nodded.

"What interview?" I whispered.

"She's a new secretary" she said and did quotations marks in the air.

Oh, she's his new submissive.

I nodded and walked towards the elevator where she was waiting.

"I need to introduce myself, I'm Samantha" I said and reached out my hand.

"Fiona" she said and shook my hand.

My heart stopped for a second. She looked a lot like Amy, almost identical.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head "no of course not" I walked inside the elevator with Fiona behind me. I pressed on the 20th button and rested my back against the metallic wall as the elevator started to move.

"I'm so exited, it's my first interview ever" she said and looked at me.

"It's a really great company to work for" I said and smiled.

The doors opened and we walked outside.

"That's the door" I said and pointed towards the big and grey door.

"Thank you, I'm so nervous" she knocked on the door and after only seconds Harry opened it.

"Come in, I'm just going to get some papers"

She nodded and walked inside as he closed the door behind her before he walked towards a stock with boxes.

I followed him and closed the door behind me.

"Good morning Miss Brown" he said without even looking at me.

"I know it's not my business but she's not a regular "employee" right?"

"No, she's not"

"Are you that desperate?" I asked and arched a brow.

"It sounds like you're kind of, jealous?" He said and smirked.

I rolled my eyes "No i was just asking you a question"

He was wearing a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up, a pair of black jeans and his hair gently tucked back as always.

"She looks a lot like Amy you know" I said and sighed.

"She did? I haven't seen her yet"

"She does, it's going to be kind of hard for me to work if she's going to work her too"

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