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Samantha's POV

I took a small breath in relief as I watched lucas turn his black Audi into the almost empty parking lot by the giant airport, "Thanks for driving me lucas, I really appreciate it" I said as I unclasped my seat belt and looked over at him with a smile. He was looking outside the Window, don't even giving me a kind of (it's okay look or even a small smile), my smile faded quickly as I very uncomfortable looked down at my hands that was placed in my lap.

"No problem" he finally said.

His voice was dry and cold, I sighed. "and I'm sorry, sorry for everything I've ever done to you and-"

"Sam it's okay, go before you miss your flight" he said still not looking at me with almost disgust in his voice.

I closed my eyes for a second before I grabbed my bag from the backseat and opened the door "well goodbye then" I said as I closed the door behind me before I took a deep breath of hope and started to walk in the direction of the big entrance. After barley seconds of walking on the dark ground I heard a cardoor slam close from behind and as I turned around to look I saw lucas jog towards me. I frowned slightly.

"If I don't do this I'll regret it forever" he said quickly before he placed his soft hands on my cheeks and attacked my lips as he pulled me into a long and passionate kiss.

I was very shocked by his move and it sent shivers down my spine, I opened my eyes slowly as he gently stroke my cheeks with his thumbs, looking me deep into my eyes. "Why?" I whispered, really confused after what just happened in the middle of the big parking lot.

The cold wind blew through his hair as he let out a long sigh "I'm sorry, I just had to do it"

"It's okay"

"Just don't forget me will you?" He said as he looked down at me with his shining blue eyes, still with his hands on my cheeks.

"This isn't a goodbye lucas, you'll see me again" I said and lucas half smiled as he crossed his arms over his black t-shirt.

"Yeah, but until then?"

I giggled softly "I'll never forget you"


I reached out my hand and he just frowned at me probably in confusion, "friends?" I suggested and lucas nodded followed by a warm smile "friends", he shook my hand before I gave him a warm hug and continued my walk towards the entrance. The night was cold and all I wanted now was to just go home, to avoid all the drama and everything bad that have made my life the way it is, I want to go home to my real home and to my friends. Leigh, Promise, Lori, everyone.

I walked inside the giant door into the airport that was filled with people dragging their bags back and forth over the floor in a high speed. Yellow, blue and black bags were swishing in front of me like flashlights and all I could do now was to take a deep breath and to walk slowly to the check-in and then to my gate. I thought the luck was on my side as the parking lot were almost empty, but no, it wasn't.

"Damn you claustrophobia" I murmured as I wriggled my way through the sea of people with my heart pumping inside my chest like a ticking bomb. I managed to get through it pretty nicely, except that I stumbled into someone's bag once and that I almost fell over a kid who apparently decided to take a nap on the floor in the middle of the crowd of running people. But I finally made it to the White desk without any further problems, I letted out a soft breath in relief and thanked God by closing my eyes for a second. I was first in line and met the woman's green eyes on the other side of the desk named Charlie. green eyes, damn.

"Where are you heading?" She asked nicely with a deep British accent.

"New York"

She tapped on her computer and the line behind me grew longer and I could hear that some people were really impatient, me too actually, it's late and everyone are tired. I just wanted to go home. To go home for some nice sleep in my bed with a cup of tea and a good book. Right now I actually miss the ugly lamp in my little office.

"Excuse me mam" an old lady asked from behind me.

I turned around and looked at her, she was slightly shorter than me and wore a white cardigan with her hair up into a hard bun, she had a few wrinkles but she couldn't be over 60, she gave me a warm smile when my eyes met her sky blue.

"Yes?" I said as I met her gaze.

"Can you please hold my handbag?" She asked with her tiny voice, I nodded slightly as I took her red leather bag into my hands. She picked up her ticket from an outer pocket in her suitcase, she was also going to New York.

"Thank you dear, I forgot I put the ticket into my suitcase" she said followed by a laugh that sounded like soft huffs.

"No problem" I said as I handed her bag back to her before I turned my attention back to Charlie behind the desk.

"I'm sorry, but all the flights to New York are booked"

I arched a brow "what?"

She frowned as she tapped on her computer once again "It was at least 16 spots left when I checked before but now they're all gone" She said as she looked up at me.


I sighed as I felt that my muscles was about to turn into overcooked spaghetti "okay, thanks anyway"

I lost my spot in line as I walked away towards a green bench placed near a coffee shop, how in heavens sake could every freaking seat be taken? I mean, I checked before I left the house and it was several spots left, I sighed again as I put my head in my hands, this can't be happening.

I bought some coffee before I placed my bag and myself onto the hard metallic bench and sighed in pure tiredness, where the hell am I going to do now? I can't go home or to my parents. I bet mom is going to be devastated when she'll read the text I sent her, and dad, jeees, he will be really angry about the job and about me leaving, I-I can't even describe it.

My thoughts was all over the place and the caffein went straight to my head and made it even worse. I was not tired anymore though but all the thoughts were making my head a little dizzy and my whole body was like a pile of mashed potatoes. I had no freaking idea of where I was going now in the middle of the night. It was to far to go to a hotel and I don't have enough money to take a cab, It would only take me halfway back to the city and what would I do in the middle of nowhere? I took a sip from my hot coffee and picked up my phone from my pocket in my leatherjacket. I had 2 missed calls from dad and 4 from mom, I had received a text from lucas asking me if everything was okay and one from harry, telling me that we needed to talk. I sighed again, I answered lucas first. *yes everything is fine, thanks for asking. I'll tell you when I'm home*

I can't let him worry about me, so a little white lie can't hurt. Next I wrote one to harry even if I didn't wanted to. *I don't have anything to say to you right now, try again when I forgive you*

He answered after barley seconds.

*you'll never forgive me..*

I rolled my eyes as I wrote one back

I placed my phone back into my pocket and took another sip from my coffee as I watched the crowd of people running around like a chicken farm, it was actually really entertaining to watch on.

I saw two blackdressed guys with grey ties and black glasses walking towards me, I frowned as I looked around me if someone else was near me, but no, it was just me.

When they only were a couple of feet away I got really nervous, who was those guys?

"Ma'am we need you to come with us"

I arched a brow "m-me? Why?" I stammered crossing my arms over my chest uncomfortably.

"It's an order" the bald man said reaching out his hand for my bag.

He grabbed it and the other man with black hair reached out his arm for me, I stood up with shaking legs as I placed my hand around the very muscular mans arm. I was actually scared, what if this was a prank and I got kidnapped and forced away against my will?, well, at least maybe that's better than going back to all the drama, rather that than going straight back to hell.

- - - - - - - - -
Sorry for such a short chapter but I've decided to make some more chapters for this story, I'm not ready to finish it yet. Thanks for your suggestions! I've read them and I like them so far! :)
If you want you can do an edit for this story and share them with me on Twitter (@/H0RANSHIRE)

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Much love xx

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