Chapter 58

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Samantha's POV

With a hard lump in my stomach I returned to the table where Harry patiently waited for me. I placed the plate between us and I could see on his face that he wanted an explanation, pronto.

"What?" I asked as I took a bite from the cake with my fork.

"Your eyes are glossy, what's wrong?"

I rolled my eyes slowly, trying to push away some almost escaping tears "it's nothing"

"Sam, I'm not blind" he said as he arched a brow.

I sighed, gently placing a white napkin over my nose and mouth to hold back a sob. It was so hard to tell him that I never loved him, even if it was for the best. I don't love him anymore, but I did back then.

"Baby?" He said as he scooted closer to me, gently wrapping his arms around me.

"Can we go home?" I asked, quiet as a whisper.

He nodded as we stood up together onto our feet. "I'll tell Amy that we're leaving. Here's the car keys, wait in the car for me"

I grabbed the keys from his hand and walked in the direction of the door. As fast as I walked outside I let some tears escape from my swollen eyes.

Damn you, why are you crying? I asked myself as I wiped away the tears with my fingertips. I felt how ridiculous I looked. Crying in a parking lot over a guy I loved ages ago. I'm happy with Harry, and I don't care about Alex anymore. Not in the way I used to. But there's something I remember him telling me back then, a sentence I never thought I would remember.

Washington, 4 years earlier.

I couldn't stop laughing, he looked so ridiculous. Like a kid who's not getting what it wants. With a pouty lip, pressed eyebrows and narrowed eyes.

"Stop! You look so silly!" I laughed as Alex softly placed a kiss onto my forehead dragging the blanket higher above our bodies.

"I wish we could do this forever" he said, smiling with his blue eyes.

I smiled, even if I knew we couldn't. This wasn't going to last. He's going away for college and I need to solve things out with lucas. This was just temporary. A week of pure happiness and nonstop sex.

"Sam?" He asked.

I nodded, meeting his blue orbs.

"Will you wait for me?"


Those words are still haunting me. "Will you wait for me?".

I didn't wait for him, when he got back, deciding that college wasn't for him, me and lucas were back, happier than ever.
I never talked with him again, until today. Where he told me that he loved me. And even if I asked him, I knew he did. And I did too. At least I thought so.

I opened the car and sat down in the passenger seat. I knew Harry would join me shortly.

I took a deep breath as I heard the car door open. Harry sat down beside me and closed the door after him.

"Are you alright?" He asked, gently stroking my thigh with his hand.

I nodded "yeah, I just want to go home"

"Did this Alex dude say something to you?"

"No, why?"

He shrugged "you seemed uncomfortable when we met him, and both of your seats were empty before so I thought you two talked?"

A little laugh escaped my lips "you sound like Sherlock Holmes"

Harry smiled.

"Yeah we talked, and the he told me that he loves me"

"Don't you mean loved?"

I shook my head "No, he never stopped"

Harry sighed as he gently rested his hands into his lap "now then?"

"I told him to knock it off, I said that I was In love with you and that he needed to man up"

Harry nodded with some kind of proudness in his eyes.

"Right now I want to go home and sleep"

"Just sleep?"

I nodded "yeah"

He smirked as he turned on the engine "okay"

I knew he wanted to do something else. But I wasn't in the mood. At all.

Harry left the parking lot as headed towards the highway. I gently rested my head against the window with closed eyes. I just wanted to take a long and comfy nap.

As I almost fell asleep my phone buzzed in my purse. I picked it up and an unknown number lit up the screen.

*Sam, I can't do this. I can't be with Amy, not when I'm in love with her sister*

My pulse raised as I got a lump in my throat. Shiiiiit.

*you can't do this Alex* I responded.

*im sorry*

I took a deep breath as I looked over at Harry.

"Who are you texting?" He asked.

"It was Alex, he's ending it with Amy"

"What?! On their engagement party?"

I nodded "and it's all my fault"

My voice was shaky and my eyes were glossy.. I can't believe this. If Alex tells Amy about what we did she will never forgive me.

After some minutes my phone buzzed again, but this time it wasn't Alex name who lit up the screen. It was Amy.

*We need to talk. Now*

What's going to happen next?

Stay tuned.. xx

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