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Samantha's POV

I have the worst hangover that you can ever imagine. My brain is pounding inside my head and it literally feels like it's going to explode any minute now. The night at Debby and David didn't really turned out like I wanted, but it was really fun though but I think I drank a little too much. And then I mean too much.

I pulled down my sunglasses from my head to cover my eyes from the burning sun as I stepped out from my car. I could hear my own heart pumping in my ears and my veins was tensed from all of the alcohol that was floating around in my blood. I tried my best to walk as straight as I could towards the doors and letted out a big breath in relief when I walked inside.

I looked over at Debby and her face was already pasted with a big smirk as I made my way towards her.

"Good morning sunshine" she teased as I gently rested my elbows against her desk, resting my head in both of my hands.

"My head hurts" I sighed and I could almost hear her laugh at me.

"Well, we drank a lot yesterday" she said and looked at me, still with that hilarious smirk.

"It's your fault, you should have stopped me" I giggled as I lifted my head up to meet her gaze.

"I couldn't, you were unstoppable"

I sticked out my tongue and looked over towards the elevators.

"Well I need to start working, or at least try when my head is KILLING me as I'm late" I said and turned around towards the elevators.

"No you're not" I heard a male voice from behind me.

I turned around again. Shit. Of course Harry would show up in my most unstable condition.

"You're coming with me, your going to help me with an assignment in another building" he said gently studying me from head to toe.

I nodded, extremely embarrassed over my condition today. I walked over to him as he handed me a portfolio with papers before we left the building in the direction of his car.

"Hangover at work?" He asked as he opened the car door for me.

"It wasn't really planned and I'm so embarrassed" I said and climbed inside the passenger seat.

He closed the door and walked over to his side before he entered the car.

"Well, can you at least take off your sunglasses" he said and turned on the engine.

"My eyes are bloodshot and red, plus I can't see without them"

"Take them off or I'll do it myself" he said more strict.

I rolled my eyes and took them off before I placed them onto my lap, i had to squint so I didn't burned my eyes out because of the strong light from the sun.

"Thank you"

I started to massage my temples in hope of that it maybe would ease my headache, but as the road was bumpy I had to flex my neck which made it worthless to continue with it.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I slightly looked over at him.

"To my place"

I arched a brow "wasn't we supposed to do an assignment?"

"Not me. You"

"Me? What am I going to do?"

He laughed, almost inaudible "yes you. I'll let you know when we're there"

I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable, I was getting a feeling that this 'assignment' includes me lying naked on a furniture or something in that style. I started to pick at my nails as he turned off the main road onto a private road surrounded by green willows, leading us to a giant house next to the beach. The house was big and white with a big driveway that could fit more than 50 of dad's jeep together. My jaw swung open when he parked into his garage with his other 6 cars.

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