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Samantha's POV

Dorothea drove up on Harry's big driveway and turned off the engine on her usual spot next to the fountain. We both sighed in relief. The window took the bullet instead of my head, only a few inches away. I am a lucky girl.

"I want you to sleep here tonight" Dorothea said as she looked over at me with tired eyes.

I looked down, avoiding her gaze "I don't think Harry would like that"

She chuckled "I don't care about him. But I need to warn you, he has a girl with him"

As I thought. It couldn't go a day without him finding a new one. But I can't blame him. I did broke his heart.

"It's fine"

Dorothea sighed "I know it's not, but I'm relieved that you took is so good as you did"

I half smiled as I put some of my hair behind my left ear "I can't order him what to do anymore, if he want a new one, then it's his choice"

She nodded "let's go inside and take care of your nose"

I nodded slightly "yeah, I think it's broken anyway"

She opened the door and walked outside. "It's broken I can tell, but I'll fix it"

I joined her outside in the cold air "thank you Dorothea"

"No problem Mrs. brown"

We walked together towards the door where we walked inside into the slightly lit up hall. God what I have missed this place.

I untied my shoes and hanged my jacket onto a hook by the wall. I followed Dorothea into the kitchen where she ordered me to take a seat on a chair.

I noticed two big wounds onto my kneecaps, it must be after the jump from that window. It was dried blood onto my legs, I looked like a zombie literally.

"At first we need to crack back your nose, it's going to hurt really bad, but we need to do it"

I nodded "do it fast will you?" I asked.

"I'll do my best"

Her tiny hands were placed around my sore nose as she gently pushed it with all her power.

I let out a big scream as she pushed and pushed util it clicked back onto its usual spot. It went fast, but the pain was endless.

I put my hands around my nose as I let some tears leave my eyes.

"It's okay now" Dorothea said as she gently stroke my arms with her hands.

"What the-"

We both looked over at the doorframe, it was Harry and Vicky.

Shit. I looked down still holding my hands around my nose.

"What happened?" He asked, I could hear that he was walking towards us.

"I told you she was in danger" Dorothea spit as she went through a shelf with bandage and stuff.

"Dorothea could you please give me some paper, my nose bleeds?" I said as I looked up and met Harry's eyes.

He already had paper for me into his hands.

"Thanks" I said as I took into into my hand and gently held it underneath my nose.

"Hey Sam.." Vicky said, gently walking past harry to me.


She got down on her knees in front of me "what happened?"

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