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Samantha's POV

"Tonight, when we're going to the Hemmings. Is it okay if I bring harry along with us?" I asked mom gently as she placed the green plate with cookies into the oven.

"You need to ask your father, but it's okay with me" she said as she rested her hands on her hips.

I nodded "I'll ask him"

Mom smiled and i left the kitchen in the direction of dads office, I knocked gently on the door before I pulled down the door handle.

"Dad, is it okay if I bring harry to the Hemmings tonight?"

Dad looked up from his computer "that's alright I suppose"

I smiled "okay, I just wanted to make sure"

Dad nodded but looked down at his computer again as I left the brown coloured room. I picked up my phone from my jeans pocket and wrote a fast text to harry about the invitation, and as I was about to put back my phone in my pocket it started to ring and lucas moms name was shining on the display. I arched a brow in confusion.

"Hello?" I Said as i pressed on the green button.

"Hello dear, it's Liz. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to spend your afternoon with me today, as we are leaving Washington tomorrow?"

I took a quick breath "okay, I mean yes, that would be fun"

"Good, I'll pick you up in 5 minutes"

I declined the call as I quickly put my phone back into my jeans pocket. I gently fixed my hair by pulling my fingers through it to make it look nicer, my clothes would do and my makeup as well. The only thing that bothers me is that I'm going to spend my day with my ex's mom, and I bet that she knows what I did to lucas.

I sighed as I walked to the hall and put on my white converse, I tied them on and grabbed my black leather jacket. I wish from the bottom of my heart that this day is going to be fine, I don't want her to ask me about everything that have happened and I just hope that everything could go back to normal. Like it was before I screwed everything up. My pulse was raising as I stepped outside the door and closed it behind me, I'm going to spend my day with my ex's mom, my fucking ex's mom. Not that I don't like her or something, it's just so weird.

I took a final breath of hope before I walked down to the sidewalk where Lukas moms red Audi was parked.
I opened the door and climbed inside the passenger seat.

"Hey" I said as i fastened my seatbelt.

"Hey dear, nice haircut" she said as she started to drive down the road.

I gave her a warm smile "thanks"

"I like it, you look more like an adult now"

I smiled again "thanks, I'm pretty satisfied with it"

Liz smiled and turned left towards a shopping street "I just need to visit a jewellery store"

I nodded slightly.

Liz parked the car outside Tiffany and co. and both of us walked inside the store as Liz insisted that I should tag along.

Security guards were standing outside the store and inside, all dressed in black suits and black glasses. I smiled at one when I walked inside but he didn't moved and inch of his face. Rude.

We walked up to the counter where a heavy makeuped girl with blonde hair was tapping on her computer. She looked up at us "can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm going to turn back this ring"

Liz picked up a white little box with a big diamond ring inside and placed it onto the counter. "Is it something wrong with it?" The woman named Kiera asked.

"No, my son was supposed to, you know.." She said and Kiera nodded.

"I understand" she said and took the White box and tapped on her computer again.

Was lucas going to ask me to marry him with that ring? The day when I slept with harry instead? My palms where staring to get sweaty and my pulse was raising like an engine. Shit. What have I done.

Liz placed the bunt of money into her wallet as I took a deep breath and looked around in the store to calm myself down, I know she did this on purpose just to hurt me, to let me feel guilty for what I did to her son.
Liz walked up to me and then I took the opportunity to ask her,

"Liz, how's lucas doing?"

Liz looked up at me "he's doing alright, he misses you though, even if he doesn't really say it"

I nodded "I'm really sorry for the damage I've caused him"

Liz sighed and placed her hand on my arm "it's not me you should apologise to, you can talk to him tonight"

I half smiled and nodded slightly "yeah"

Liz grabbed my arm and walked with me outside the store and further away to the car at the parking lot, she opened the door for me and I letted out a soft giggle in respond as I climbed inside the car. Liz walked around and jumped into the drivers seat and started the engine.

"So, where should we go next?" She asked and drove out on the road.

I placed my hands in my lap and thought about it "literally I have no idea"

Liz smiled proudly "I know exactly where to go"

- - - - - -

Lucas POV

"Don't make it suspicious" I said and pulled my hand through my hair as I walked around in the apartment.

"I won't, I'll make it smooth, and when your mom drives by I bet your little girl will go insane"

I smirked widely "yes, yes she will"

"And to be sure, I've already called his blonde friend. She will tell him that I'm waiting and I can tell the he will be hell out of surprised"

"I hope so, don't screw this up, let's brake them down"

"I'll, trust me"


I ended the call and placed the phone back into my pocket as I glanced out through a the window and starred at the top of the building of STYLES INDUSTRIES, "things is about to go down" I said as I walked over to the door with a big smirk pasted onto my face.

Sorry for such a short (and bad) chapter, I've had so much things to do that this was the best thing I could come up with. But one thing is sure, and that is that shit is about to go down.. (Sorry for wrong grammar and misspelled words)

Much love xx

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