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Sumi's Pov


It's been 4 days since that day.

"2 days ago me and taehyung were finally married as we signed the contract begrudgingly."

"Hybe released an official statement about us which was Ofcourse not true."

'There were mixed response from it. Some were happy about us, some were unhappy about me stealing their oppa meanwhile some plainly just didn't believe the story."

But atleast i didn't receive that much hate.

Well i couldn't care less, i am just worried about my baby.

"It just took me 2 days to be in totally in love with the baby and i am totally excited to welcome motherhood, but i still have my doubts."

Morning sickness sucks, it sucks and my current feud with taehyung doesn't help it.

"I can't blame the man, he was forced but so was I."

Now that we are legally husband and wife , "husband and wife" the word itself feels so strange to me.

I am moving with taehyung today in his house. As much as i hate the idea, i don't have a choice again.

"We are married so he can't continue to live in his dorm though occasionally he has to ."

"We also got fake wedding rings."

"Well when the news of us spread in the company most of them congratulated us but some did send me glares not believing our story."

Well taehyung has been distant and cold, i really don't understand the man.

The members have been kind to me as usual but some things are undeniably different.

"Never in my life i would have imagined me living a life of those characters in the movies and novels i read but here i am."

Moving apartments in not easy especially when you are puking non stop though ofcourse i had "help."

Just two more boxes i heaved taking them out of the truck.

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