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7 years later

Sumi's Pov

Hyejin! Hyejoon! I yelled at the two kids in front of me.

"Stop bickering for god sake!" i groaned massaging my forehead.

Now let's have a small recap of the previous years.

"To say we lived happily ever after would be right, though there were occasional fights, it just made us stronger as a family."

Hyejoon and Hyejin are complete opposites of each other.

"Hyejoon is like me, he looked like me and a part of his personality is mine. He is an Introverted kid but when he wants to speak then he would speak like there is no tomorrow."

"Hyejin on the other hand is a carbon copy of her father. She is the most outgoing person you would ever meet like her father. A Big daddy's girl."

"The twins fight a lot but they obviously can't stay without each other. Hyejoon would kill anyone who touches his little sister and same goes for Hyejin."

"Me and Taehyung are still deeply in love.We fall in love with eachother all over again everyday".

The boys? They are all happily married with kids and some on the way.

"I am close to their wifes as well."

Aera? We are still best friends and she now has a family of her own.

"Bangtan? It's still going strong though members have started taking it easy but their bond is still unwavering."

Me? I have my own fashion brand now. A really succesful on top of that. It's growing famous worldwide.

To say the family is complete, but there was something still missing.

"Call me oppa! I am older than you" Hyejoon argued.

Just by six minutes! Taehyung's carbon copy shot back.

Kids! I warned, my patience slowly running out.

"Eomma i want a little sister!" Hyejin said out of nowhere catching me off-guard.

"It's not like me and Taehyung haven't talked about it. We were just so busy that it never happened. Raising twins was not an easy task."

"Yes! Eomma, a little sister would be good. At least she would respect her older brother" Hyejoon spoke up.

"We are the same age!" Hyejin shouted at him.

Kids! I warned again but they didn't listen. They were busy fighting.

"Kim Hyejoon and Kim Hyejin. Stop right now!' i yelled as they finally looked at me.

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