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Sumi's Pov


Since i returned to korea, I can't help but feel that i am being watched. Maybe it's my mama bear hormones kicking in, making me anxious about my surroundings.

I am 7 months pregnant now Afterall and moving around seems to be getting a little harder, these past few days my bump has gotten considerably large and i can't help feel like a boiled potato.

"And because of how I am feeling about my changing body, Taehyung doesn't leave a chance to remind me everyday that i am carrying two lifes inside me and how beautiful i look while doing so."

We are still in the dorm incase you are wondering, we are moving back soon though, we have a lot of preparations to do when little Hyejoon and Hyejin arrives. Like putting up the nursery.

In the context of putting up a nursery, what do we need?
Baby stuff!!!!!

So today finally we are going to baby shop. I have been waiting so long for it. Like since the beginning of my pregnancy. It's not like i haven't been building up an online cart filled with baby stuff or a Pinterest with nursery ideas but today the plan finally sets into motion.

Are you ready? Taehyung asked peeking his head inside from the creak of the door.

I literally jumped in excitement when he asked me the question. I am ready as i can be.

I quickly jumped onto the passenger seat making Taehyung chuckle.

You are excited aren't you?

"Ofcourse i am" I answered and talk about yourself, i could see Excitement practically radiating from your face.

"Well who wouldn't be" he grinned starting the engine.

Well of course we both were big baby lovers afterall.


So many cute stuff! I squealed looking around the enormous baby department. To think such a small being needs these many stuff.

"We have definetly got our hands full especially when we have to buy everything double."

"I can't wait to start and literally drool over all the cute stuff."

I turned to my right to look at Taehyung with the same expression as me, even under the mask i can see that he is smiling widely.

I looked around to decide where to start from until suddenly i felt a chill down my spine and the feeling of being watched over, i instantly turned to look around but there was no one.

What's wrong? Taehyung asked looking at my slightly creeped out expression.


I am definitely being paranoid.

We began our baby excursion and instantly landed on the feeding section.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now