Slice of their life#2

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The twins day with their uncles.

Hyejoon/Hyejin: 8months old

Third Person's pov

Ok babies eomma and appa will be back soon alright? Taehyung gave a big smooch on both of his kids faces. One who was very wide awake and one who was sleeping.

"Alright Hyejin, don't bother your uncles hmm?" Sumi cooed kissing her small hand who was in Jungkook's arm.

"Hyejoon was asleep in his crib while her daughter just woke up from her afternoon nap meaning she is going to be bustling with energy."

"I tried to put her to sleep but she fell asleep first and now she is full of energy" sumi apologetically looked at the boys.

It's fine Su! We are more than happy to play with this little cutie! Jungkook chuckled while tickling the little girl.

"Hyejoon just fell asleep so he won't be up before an hour or so" she informed them.

Aahh don't worry we got it! You guys have fun! Jin assured them as the couple took a final glance at their kids before getting out of the door.

Alright you little cutie? What do you wanna do? Jimin asked the baby who was happily sucking on Jungkook's necklace.


What? You want to come to Uncle Jimin? Alright come here! Jimin exhaled, opening his arms for the little girl to dive in.

But before she could react, Jungkook held her tightly, turning her away from the thief as he glared at Jimin.

"She never said that! She is happy in her favourite uncle's arm!" Jungkook countered his hold on the little girl never wavering.

What? You favorite uncle?! Look at yourself pabo! Jin scoffed. It's obvious who is her favorite.

Yes and that will be me! Hoseok chipped in smiling brightly at the little baby.

"You guys need to get your brain checked. I am obviously her favourite" Namjoon huffed at his members.

You guys are idiots! Let's just ask her Yoongi calmly said.

"And what is she supposed to reply? If you haven't already noticed Yoongi. She can't talk" Jin groaned.

"I know that Jin. That's why let's have a competition. Let's put her on the floor and whoever she crawls to will win the status of the favorite uncle" Yoongi reasoned.

It's Hyung for you Yoongi! And yeah that sounds good.

Everybody nodded their head in approval as they look at the baby in Jungkook's arm who was oblivious to what they were planning.

"They looked at her curiously as Jungkook let her down whilst everybody took their places."

Little Hyejin looked from her one uncle to another her mouth in a pout, as the boys die from the cuteness.

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