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Sumi's Pov


Moving in the dorm was not going to be an easy task.

This is the second time i am moving since the past few months.

"I should take a job in movers and packers and leave my job. Duh."

Well anyways jokes aside.

"Here i am standing and looking at seven handsome men moving my stuff."

"Yes the rest of bangtan were helping me. It was their break time and instead of resting they decided to help me ,much to my protests."

And i was made to sit in the sidelines to watch because i was pregnant and "it's a duty of a gentleman to help a pregnant lady quoted by Park Jimin."

I could help too you know I pouted (unintentionally) while looking at the 7 men in front of me.

"Omo! How cute mimi!" Jimin squealed coming towards me and patting my head.

Mimi? I asked myself, asking him about the nickname he gave me.

"Yeah. A cute name for a cute lady" jimin replied winking at me.

He is really playful.

From my peripheral view, i saw taehyung glaring at jimin. Why though?

I think jimin saw him glaring too because he gave him a playful smirk before saying "Aww tae don't be jealous we were just talking."

Jealousy?! What is jimin talking about.

Taehyung scoffed at jimin's comment. "Don't joke around jimin and help me" taehyung glared at jimin again.

"Sure. Stay put cutie" jimin commented before going back to his work.

I saw taehyung looking mad at him. Why though?.

"Jimin hyung is always teasing tae hyung" i heard jungkook say coming beside me.

"But he really got him this time" he chuckled at his two hyungs.

I was still confused. Teasing? How?

Jungkook did sense my confusion because he laughed loudly. "You are so clueless".

Taehyung's Pov

"Jimin really knows how to get on my nerves."

Flirting with her in front of me! Ughhh i could feel the jealousy seeping inside me.

I really wanted to take her away from him but i can't because she is not mine ,"well not yet."

"All done" i heaved putting away the last of her stuff. It wasn't much so we were done in 2 hours.

Our break was nearly over and that meant we have to go back to the company.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now