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Sumi's Pov

I am up! I groaned opening my eyes.

Can't i sleep a little more? i pleaded trying to get back in the covers which was forcefully removed from me by "Kim Taehyung".

Nope. Wake up right now or else i will tickle you! He warned and i could practically feel his breath brushing my shoulder as i finally got up.

"Good girl" he grinned, patting my head like i was a little kid.

"Yesterday was an eventful day, with the babies kicking for the first time and Taehyung's speech."

After all that ,we had an afterparty where everybody drank except me and Taehyung. Me because i am very pregnant and frankly i never was a fan of drinking.Taehyung because he didn't wanted me to feel left out."

"Ok my own words are deceiving me, the reason i am here is because i was drunk."

Today was our last day in Newyork so we decided to go on a little sightseeing, all eight of us or should i say ten of us.Ok i felt a kick, the little nuggets agree.


Alright i am up.


It brings back so many memories. I practically grew up here.

Where did you live? Jimin asked me as he sat beside me in the van.

"Uptown" i replied. It's a little far from here.

It's been a while since i was last here.

Where are we going by the way? I asked diverting my gaze from the view outside.

"Shopping" Hoseok answered excitedly.


You like shopping? Jin questioned looking at my disinterested face.

"I don't particularly like it but don't hate it either. It's fine i guess" I admited.

What?! Jungkook gasped.

What what? I asked back.

"I thought girls loved shopping he looks at me like i was an alien." Well i am married to one.

"First of all that's very sexist and second of all i am different than others" i deadpanned.

What's the big deal with not liking to shop?!

"That's right my wife is very different from other girls and now you guys don't bother her" Taehyung sided with me and i grinned at him

"Nth reason why i am in love with him."


𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now