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Sumi's Pov


"I woke up at 2 in the morning with the biggest craving i had ever felt."

I wanted a cake or pastry whatever.

"I knew I wouldn't able to go back to sleep without eating it and i was pretty sure i would kill for it."

Taehyung wake up!

He responded with a groan and went back to sleep.

Taehyung wake up!!! I yelled

Uhh what! I am up! Is it the babies? Are you in labour?! He abruptly woke up ,his eyes scanning me for not a possible labour alert.

"I would have laughed at him but my craving for a cake was not to be challenged."

No i am not in labour!

He sighed in relief. So what is it?

I want a cake!

You want a what?

"A cake" i repeated almost shouting.

Where am i supposed to get a cake at this time? He asked in disbelief.

I don't know but I freaking want a cake! I snarled, annoyed at him for not understanding such an urgent need of mine.

"It was a matter of life and death."

Alright, alright don't get agitated and let's go to the kitchen to see if we have anything there. Alright?.

I huffed in response as we very stealthily made our way downstairs.

"We were still living in the dorm, we could have gone back but we just returned to korea a week ago and we were too lazy too shift back and to be honest I wanted to stay here a little longer and it seemed that the others wanted us to stay too."

I made sure to be quiet to not wake up the boys, no matter how much of an annoying brat i was acting like right now, I didn't wanted to bother them. My husband you ask? Well he is a different case, he is the reason why I am like this right now so it's his obligation to heed to my needs.

There is absolutely nothing that will work for a cake in the kitchen I whined ,profusely scanning the whole kitchen for something.

"I want a cake! I whimpered. Was it the hormones? Yes."

"My emotional state might have panicked taehyung as he looked at me with a horrified expression."

What are you guys doing? A voice grabbed our attention as we looked at a very sleepy Jin accompanied with a very sleepy Yoongi.


"Sorry hyung. We woke you up but sumi was craving a cake, so we were searching for it" Taehyung explained apologeticly.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now