Slice of their life#3

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Suyeon's Birth

Third Person's pov

Eomma? When will yeo come out? The little boy asked his mother as he eyed her swollen belly.

"Soon" the mother chuckled seeing her impatient child.

You excited to meet her? She asked as she patted the seat beside her.

I am! The boy broke out to a large grin. "At least someone will respect me and call me oppa."

"And on cue a loud sound of protest was heard."

Yahh! we are the same age! Hyejin shouted at her six minutes older brother as he gave her a sly grin and then began another round of bickering.

"Sumi sighed looking at her two kids fighting."

She got up holding her nine months bump to stop the fight between the two before it gets worse.

"Taehyung was working late today and since Sumi was pregnant she was working from home."

"She wasn't due for another ten days but everybody in this house was impatient."


She stopped as she felt water trickling down her thighs.

"The twins who were busy fighting looked at their mother who stopped mid sentence."

Eomma? Did you pee? Hyejin asked oblivious to the situation.

"No baby Eomma didn't pee. My water broke meaning the baby will be coming soon" she explained calmly as she did at the time of the twins.

The twins shared a look before panicking.


"Yes Hyejoon call your father please" she ordered as she flinched from the sudden contraction.

Hyejoon nodded before scurrying off to call his father.

Eomma Are you ok? Hyejin asked with concerned eyes looking at her mother who was in pain.

"I am ok sweetie. Soon your little sister will be here."


"Taehyung ran inside the hospital like a madman again, totally discarding his idol image. "

"When he received the call from his son, telling that his wife was in labour, made him shred away any sanity he had left as he flew like literally flew to the hospital."

The members who were with him following him as well.

Where is my wife? Kim Sumi? Taehyung inquired hurriedly his panic evident from his actions.

Before the receptionist could answer a voice cut him off.


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