Slice of their life#4

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Author's note

As we hit 6k+ reads

Here is a special chapter for you.
I hope you enjoy.

Third person's Pov

Hyejoon/Hyejin:10 years old
Suyeon:1 year old

Mom will be back soon

I am trusting you three

"Sumi narrowed her eyes at the three humans in front of her, as they quickly did a salute to her."


Yes Jagi.

I can trust you right?

Yes jagi.

Sumi sighed. You three will be on your best behavior.

"You two she pointed at the twins. You both won't fight and will listen to your Appa and take care of each other and your little sister. Under no circumstances will you disrespect your father." Capish?

Capish. They both nodded.

"And you Taehyung, will be strict with them and won't give into their demands no matter how adorable they are. Are we clear?"

"Yes Su we are."

"Ok and you little one, she bent down to her youngest daughter. You will remain as Adorable as you are and won't do something new until Eomma returns ok?"

"The said little one let out a squeal in reply making the whole family Chuckle at her."

I will be back in two days and if there is any emergency you call me ok?

"Yes Ma'am" they chorused.

"I love you three" she said kissing all of her three Babies.

"And i love you too" she hummed while kissing her big baby on the lips.

"I love you too honey."

"I will be back soon. Do as i instructed and then after giving a last glance to her family she was out of the door and their sight."

"Alright kids Taehyung clapped once sumi was gone, turning to look at his kids to be greeted by emptiness."

What the- There was no one in the living room. It was him and him alone, even his 1 year old daughter who can barely walk had left him alone.

"It's going to be a long 2 days" he sighed before going to look for his kids.


No Yeo bear! No don't eat that!  Taehyung half screamed lunging towards his daughter before scooping her up in his arms.

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