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Taehyung's Pov


What do you think the babies gender will be? Jimin questions grabbing my attention which was previously taken up by my thoughts of a certain person.

"I have no idea" i replied.

"What if it's 2 little girls who are identical" he squealed happily.

"The thought of 2 little girls running around holding each other's hand made me smile wide."

What about 2 little boys? This time jungkook spoke up.

"That would be good too" I smiled.

"I think a boy and a girl will be the best, so you can have one of each" jin voiced behind me.

That would be so cute! I thought imagining there Chubby little bodies.

"Aah I can't wait to hold them!" Jimin whined.

I raised my eyebrows. Excuse me but I am the father!

"Well ofc you are but i am the uncle and don't mind me say their favourite uncle" jimin countered.

Excuse me but who told you that you are the favourite uncle?? The boys snarled at jimin and he smiled teasingly and there began another round of arguing

Even suga was a part of it.

I excused myself. I had to go look for sumi, i was curious about what she was doing and it was time for us to leave.

But before that i had to go to my studio for some work.

I punched in the code and casually made my way inside.

To my shock, i saw a figure cuddled up on the couch sleeping.

"It was none other than the person who has been occupying my thoughts the whole day."

I remember i asked her to rest here whenever she wants.

I made my way to where she was sleeping quietly.

I bent down to her level and looked at her sleeping face.

"She looked so peaceful and beautiful."

"She was undeniably one of the most attractive person i have ever seen."

That made me wonder why a person like her was single.

I could look at her face for hours.

"What are you doing to me?" i whispered to myself.

My gaze fell down to her plump lips which was in a small pout.

"I wonder how they tasted. I have kissed her before but obviously don't remember it, well considering how drunk i was."

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