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4 months later

Third Person's Pov

"She checked herself out in the mirror once again, her face gazing back at her ,her blue eyes boring into her soul."

"Are you ready?" Aera asked coming inside with little Hyejoon in her embrace.

Where is Hyejin? She asked taking her son away from her, whose eyes were nearly closed while she kissed his forehead.

"With Taehyung and the boys" she replied checking her best friend out while smiling.

"You look so beautiful" She complimented while fake crying. My little girl is all grown up.

Sumi playfully rolled her eyes at her, while stroking her son's little hair.

"Sumi smiled thinking about her husband, today is a special day for all of us."

On the other side

Are you nervous? Jimin Chuckled coming inside with little Hyejin on his hips.

"A little" he replied taking away his little girl who was babbling and giving her a big smooch on her cheeks.

"It's going to be fine hyung!" Jungkook spoke entering the room and instantly kneeling to the little girl on Taehyung's lap, making funny faces at her.

"Soon other 4 heads peeked in as well as they all said same thing but their focus was on the little girl in a cute yellow dress, who was looking curiously at all of them."

He smiled at her, hugging her tightly as his nervousness soon started fading and excitement took over.

"Today is a big day afterall".

2 months ago

Are you sure? Sumi asked a bit uncertain, holding little Hyejin close to her.

"It's fine Su! We will be back soon" he assured her while placing his sleepy son in the crib .

The boys will take care of them just fine.

"It's been 2 months since the twins were born, sumi hasn't stepped out of the house since then only going out when it's urgent, afraid something will happen to her kids."

It's been busy and tiring days with sleepless nights.

"The twins are now their life. Though sometimes they feel extremely frustrated from the lack of sleep but nonetheless they love the twins with their whole life."

"The boys are whipped for both of them. They visit them whenever possible with lots of gifts. They are already being spoiled."

The milk is in the fridge and if anything ha-

We are going to be fine! Jin cut her off, taking Hyejin from her embrace and kissing her forehead. The other boys were right behind him.

She sighed giving both her kids a small kiss. We will be back soon.

Be good for your uncles alright? Taehyung cooed, giving kisses to his sleeping son and his very awake daughter in Jin's arm.

"We will be back soon."

Where are we going? Sumi asked for the 100th time as they made their way to the cae.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now