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Sumi's Pov


Never in my life have i been happier.

"I was going to be a mother to not one but two babies."

Two beautiful angels.

"The thought of raising two children overwhelmed me but my happiness was greater."

"It's been a while since i cried liked this". I don't even remember the last time i cried.

"But this time the tears was not of loosing a loved one, this time this tears meant gaining a loved one, it was tears full of joy."

I glanced at taehyung and he was as overwhelmed as me, tears streaming down his face too.

"I will give you two a moment" the doctor excused herself.

And i felt my body being enveloped in a hug.

Taehyung hugged me tightly, it was sudden but i didn't mind.

I actually enjoyed his touch.

"Thank you" he muttered and before i could reply he kissed my forehead.

"Well that gesture had my eyes widening as I looked at him blinking."

It seemed like taehyung didn't plan it either as he was equally shocked as me.

Well that got awkward. He let go of me and looked away when we realised that my stomach was still exposed.

I quickly buttoned up my jeans and got off the bed.

"How do you feel?" i asked him and he looked at me with eyes full of adoration.

"Happier than i ever have been" he smiled wide, leftover tears shining in his eyes.

"I still can't believe they are two babies in there" i muttered.

"Hey babies! i am your mom" i cooed rubbing my stomach.

From the corner of my eyes i saw taehyung smiling at us three.

"Soon he was right in front of me as he bent down to the level of my stomach and put his hand on my belly."

His sudden touch sent Shivers down my spine.

"His big hands feeling warm on my stomach as he lovingly stroked it."

"Hey babies, i am your dad. You both be good in there alright? And don't cause trouble for your mom. I can't wait to meet you.. I already love you so freaking much" i couldn't help but smile as he talked so lovingly to our children.

He then kissed my stomach gently, bringing his warm lips to touch my skin.

"I shivered again, the touch made me want more. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormone making me feel this way."

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now