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Sumi's Pov


"I woke up to the same endearing scene with taehyung caressing my bump meanwhile talking to our kids, who we still haven't named."

"The man is so whipped for his kids."

"Morning" i greeted him making him finally acknowledge my presence, I mean i was there already but yeah..

He greeted me with his usual forehead kiss which i seriously look forward to everyday.

Today we had to pretty much have pack to leave for America tomorrow.

"Like i said earlier i should take a job in movers and packers."

"I am gonna take a shower" i announced getting up and moving towards the bathroom.

"Don't lock the door" I heard him say.

"Taehyung is pretty much paranoid these days as my pregnancy progresses. He thinks i am going to fall in the shower. What does he takes me for duh?!"

"A fool it is."

Because i literally did trip in the shower.

"I was just ready to get out and wrap my towel around me but as soon as I reached for the towel god knows what did i trip on making me fall, my back banging on the wall behind."

"It wasn't a hard fall but the fact that I was going to fall made me screech and in mere seconds I heard the bathroom door flung open and in walks the man i am married to, panic plastered on his handsome face."

Not the time to fawn over his handsome face.

"I don't know if I should be embarrassed about the fact that i literally tripped right after he warned me or the fact that i was lying butt naked on the floor my whole body on display, as i mentioned before that i was going to wrap the towel."

Keyword: Going to.

And it ain't like he hasn't seen me nake- "Ahem" moving on.

I quickly grabbed the towel and tried to cover my body as he quickly rushed to my side.

"Sumi!! What's wrong? Are you ok? He panicked and when i say panicked it was the world is going to end kind of panic."

"He quickly picked me up before i could say that i was fine and rushed out of the bathroom gently placing me on the bed."

"Are you hurt?" he asked checking my body for wounds, his handsome face pale with worry.

Again not the time!

"I am fine" i replied truthfully, just hurt my back a little.

Where? He asked looking at my back.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now