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Taehyung's Pov

She is what?

She went to meet her friend, the staff confirmed.

And you let her? I questioned furiously.

She shouldn't be out alone.

I um-

"Save it" i said fishing out my phone.

Somehow i feel uneasy. I need to go to her.

As soon as I decided to call her, my phone rang.

Sumi where the heck are you? I asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

And when she replied, my heart stopped.

Su! I am coming. Nothing-

Sumi? Su?

Shit! shit! shit! i cursed starting the engine. I shouldn't have been so ignorant.

"My bodyguards were following close behind. I wasn't stupid enough to go alone."

But i was stupid. If something happens to her, i am..

No, she is strong, she is going to be fine! She has to be.

"I sped up not caring about the speed or traffic lights."

The location she sent me wasn't that far,but right now it felt miles away.

Please be safe Su! Please.


As soon as i reached the location, my blood froze.

There stood my wife glaring at the man who had his hands raised, ready to strike.

My body shook from rage, how dare he touch her!

"Get your filthy hands off from her" i screeched, fast on my heels as i instantly launched myself on the man punching him mercilessly.

I wasn't a strong or violent person. I myself don't know where I got this strength from.

I was livid.

"I was seeing red, all i wanted was to kill that bastard. He dare touch my family."

He dare touch my wife!! He doesn't deserve to live!

Taehyung Stop! I heard before i was pulled away from the man.
It was Yoongi hyung.

They followed me.

"Let me go Hyung! I will fucking kill him!" i yelled trying to get out of his grip. Is it me or he just got stronger?

"Snap Out it! He is nearly dead! Go to Sumi!" He snapped and as soon as i heard Sumi's name ,i instantly stopped struggling my head turning towards her direction.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now