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Sumi's Pov


Just a few days more and they will be here.

The nursery is done.

We had a maternity photo shoot few days back as well.

Everything is prepared for their arrival.

The hospital bag already prepared.

Now the question is am i prepared?
Frankly speaking, I don't know.
Can you ever be fully prepared to push not one but two living beings out of your vagina?

"But i do have few days before fully preparing myself for what's ought to come.."

Or so i thought.

These days, i have been feeling what you call "Braxton Hicks" meaning that they will be here soon and my body is preparing me for it.

What i have been upto?

"Well crying about my changing body, crying about the fact that i can't walk and my feet has totally disappeared from my line of sight but happy about the fact that they are going to be here soon."

"And these days i have been nesting as my motherly hormones kicked in."

"I am going to miss this pregnant belly" Taehyung said laying on my lap, his head on my bump as he talked to the little troublemakers while i stroked his hair.

"No matter how hard it is, the feeling of having a living being growing inside you is just amazing".

"I think, i am going to miss it too" i admitted.

"Not for long" he hummed.

"Taehyung i swear to god i will whoop your ass if you don't stop talking dirty" i warned flustered.

"As you wish my queen" he smirked.

"First his ethereal face, second his deep voice and third I am madly in love with him. What does he want? My heart to Stop?"

"Taehyung get off" i huffed pushing him off my lap.

"We need to leave soon."

"I was accompanying him to one of his shoots, reason being he doesn't let me out of his sight and he can't exactly leave me alone when I am near my due date and when my life can be in danger thanks to the rabid youth out there, some of whom who attacked me"

"I am 11 days from my due date incase you are wondering."

He looked a bit concerned, his previous smirk replaced by a pout.

"Are you sure?" he questioned

"I am, and you can't leave me alone. If i feel any discomfort i will tell you" i reassured him.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now