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Sumi's Pov

The last few days have been*sigh* how should i phrase it?

"Taehyung won't absolutely leave my side even for a second. Even when i am in the washroom, he would be guarding the door all the time."

Well he is not in the wrong, i nearly got killed but i would definitely appreciate some personal space.

The sasaeng went so far to even steal Aera's phone and that's how I fell into their trap.

"Also She cried for an hour straight when she saw me in the hospital, i had a really hard time calming her."

"Well excuse me but i was the one who nearly got killed and here i was calming everybody else other than myself."

The media? They went nuts. Most of them sympathising with me. I am still trending right now.

That being said i am officially 8 months along, we had a birthing class few days back that totally made me frightened of my upcoming labour. Especially since there is two of them in there.

"You see it's really unpredictable when i am pregnant with twins, i might end up going in premature labour itself, though i hate hospitals we decided it would best to deliver there for the sake of mine and the babies safety."

"Stop it!" I squealed trying to get Taehyung off of me

It was the usual morning for us i guess

Tae- i tried to push him whom was on top of me, tickling me while peppering my bump with wet kisses.

"Kim taehyung" i yelled finally getting him off me.

"What" he pouted innocently.

Yo- before i could say anything his phone cut us off.

"I have to take this" he announced getting up and leaving the room.

That's weird, he usually takes phone calls in front of me.

"Anyways i should bath before Taehyung barges in and starts over reacting".

"After i was done freshening up, i was more than ready to be a couch potato and binge watch Netflix."

Su! Let's go! Taehyung spoke entering the room.


"I have some work, that's where" he replied casually.

"He is definetly acting suspicious."

"I waddled to my room and i could hear Taehyung snickering behind me."

"Hey it's not my fault that i am so big" i glared at him.

"But it's your fault that you are so cute" he grinned.


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