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Sumi's Pov


"The car ride to the hospital was nerve wrecking to say the very least."

"Worst case scenarios were playing inside my head."

We were now seated in the waiting room, waiting for our appointment.

Everybody in the hospital had signed "NDA" so we didn't have to worry about our privacy.

"It's going to be fine" taehyung assured me again though it felt like he was assuring himself more than me.

He was as nervous as i was.

Mrs kim Sumi? The nurse called out my name.

Uhh yes i answered getting up along with taehyung.

"MRS KIM" this word itself sounded so foreign to me.

"You can go in" she smiled gesturing inside the closed room.

"But somehow I couldn't move, it was like my feets were glued to the ground."

And as sensing my fears taehyung took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze leading me inside the room. The room where everything was going to change.

"I didn't even register the fact that taehyung was holding my hand because that's how nervous i was".

"Mr and Mrs kim" the doctor smiled as soon as we came in and taehyung let go of my hand.

i could feel the emptiness.

"You don't have to be nervous" she told us. Everything will turn out for the best she smiled.

Mrs kim i am just going to ask you some basic stuff and take your weight before we progress with the sonogram.

I took my seat in front of her with taehyung beside me as i told her all about my cravings, morning sickness and what not.

When they measured my weight it was the same as before and that worried me.

"You don't have to worry. Everybody's body is different" she assured me as if reading my mind.


And finally it was time for me to see my baby.

"Lay down here" the doctor ordered gesturing to the hospital bed and so i did with taehyung helping me.

"I want you to lift up your blouse and open up the buttons of your trousers and lower them down a little" she ordered.

I did what she told me and from the corners of my eyes i could see taehyung looking away embarrassed as he blushed.

Why was he blushing? i thought. It was just my tummy nothing else.

But my thoughts weren't answered as the doctor rubbed the cold gel on my stomach.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now