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Sumi's Pov

Everything was going well.

"Both Hyejoon and Hyejin had turned my bladder into a punching sack."

Especially when you are carrying twins it's more difficult, when one stops other starts.

I Love them nonetheless.

The guys were having a v live as i peeked through the door of the practice room.

I was busy looking at them when my phone beeped.

Aera: You free? Should we meet?

Well i was free for one thing and i seriously missed her. So why not.

Me: Yup, i am, where should we meet?

Aera: 1xxxxxxx street.

Me: Sure. See you there:) I will be there in half an hour.

Aera: Ok see you..

"I can't but feel a little weird. Usually Aera would send 15 emojis in one sentence. Maybe she doesn't want to irritate me by that "

I shrugged my thoughts as I made my way to my car. Wait?! I don't have my car!

I can't hail a taxi. So i did the took the next best thing. Taehyung's car.

I had asked for the keys from one of the staff and already told him to inform taehyung that i am going out and incase I had dropped him a message too.

I didn't wanted to interrupt his live.

"I barely fitted in the car with the my seven and a half month pregnant belly."

Huge much?

I started the engine, it's been a while since i last drove. Taehyung won't seriously let me do anything. Btw should I have asked him before leaving?

Nope. It's just Aera and i will be back soon.

Maybe i should have asked him.


The address Aera sent me, was an isolated area.

I parked the car and got out.

Why would Aera call me here? Is it so that we could talk without anybody recognising me?

Something felt fishy.

I tried to shrug my thoughts again but in case, my brain told me to turn on the location on my phone and so i did.

I looked around but there was nothing. No Aera, no one.

I started feeling the same feeling of being watched.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now