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Taehyung's Pov


"Wake up" i gently shook the sleeping girl beside me. At this point I am sure that she sleeps more than Suga hyung.

"The sky was dusky, sun peeking out of the dark sky, trying to brighten up the Earth."

In simple words it is the time of
sunrise.(a/n: typical me)

"I love seeing sunrise from the window no matter how many times i have seen it, it's beauty never cease to amaze me."

Sumi..Su! Jagiya wake up! I shaked her again as she lightly gave a response ,her eyes sleepingly looking around making me chuckle.

Are we there? she asks looking at her surroundings like she always does.

"No we will be landing in 15 minutes and then we have to change the flight"i informed her removing the stray hair on her face.

What is time is it? She yawned.

Look outside! I point out at the window, the sun Slowly ending the darkness.

I look at her ,slowly opening her eyes as she looks outside the window, her eyes lightly sparkling.

"So beautiful" she awed, gazing at the scenery outside.

I used to think this sunrise is the most beautiful thing in the world but now that i look carefully maybe it's not.

"Because the most beautiful thing is sitting beside me gazing at the sun, her own eyes reflecting it, as sun rays slightly falls on her."

"She is undeniably the most beautiful thing i have ever seen."


Yawn.. The sleepy girl trudged beside me, her eyes droopy and ready to fall asleep again.

If not for my support, I am pretty sure she would be sleeping on the floor right now.

The airport was less crowded, it being early in the morning as we make our way to the waiting room.

"Why are you so tired?" i asked sumi as she takes another yawn.

Shouldn't have done that. Big mistake.

"Well try being pregnant and carrying not one but two babies and you will know" she huffed.

Someone is moody today.

I just stared at her, afraid to say anything that might anger her while Jimin was snickering beside us.

"What is so funny Jimin-ssi?" She directed her attention towards Jimin who instantly stop laughing looking like a deer caught in a headlight.

Hmmphh.. Laugh now Jimin..

Others looked at the three of us chuckling.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now