Slice of their life#1

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Daddy daughter day

Hyejoon/Hyejin: 7 months old.
Third Person's pov

"Are you sure, you will be fine with her all alone?" Sumi asked yet again.

We will be just fine! Won't we princess? Taehyung cooed, holding his giggling daughter high up in the air.

"Sumi smiled a little seeing them as she put her son in the car seat."

Sumi gave a big smooch on her daughter's cheek in Taehyung's arm as she picked up her son.

"Call me if anything is wrong" she reminded him ready to leave.

We will! Won't we Princess! Taehyung replied in a highly pitched parent voice as he bent down to peck his son and then give a peck to his wife on her lips.

Say bye to Mama and Yejoo! Taehyung waved his hand at them as Hyejin copied her father.

Once out of the door, Taehyung turned his attention to his happy daughter on his hips who was busy playing with his shirt buttons.

What should we do today? Huh princess? He asked as he attacked her face with kisses making her squeal in delight.

What abou- but before Taehyung could complete, he smelled something nasty.

"Alright miss. I get it! I will change your nappy first kay?" He chuckled while playfully scrunching up his face in disgust.

He made his way to the nursery with the little girl tuck safely in his arms.

Alright Angel let's change your nappy and your clothes ok? He cooed while laying her on the floor and searching for her clothes.

"Just a minute he had turned away from his hyper active daughter and when he had turned back she wasn't there".

Hyejin? He called out panicked. She wasn't there! Where could a 7 month crawl off to?

"He hurriedly got up his eyes searching for his little girl, her clothes abandoned on the ground while simultaneously calling out her name."

Hye- Oh no shit! No Hyejin! He yelled as he ran in lightning speed to his daughter who was ready to jump down the stairs.

"Just before she could step on the stairs and fall, Taehyung came to her rescue instantly scooping her in his arms as the little girl let out whines of protests."

You gave me an heart attack Hyejin! That was dangerous! He scolded her, breathing heavily from the scare he got.

"His daughter loved to scare her dad it seemed like."

Ba ba! Ta na! She babbled pointing to the stairs.

No! Bad girl! No stairs! That is dangerous! You will get hurt! he scolded her yet again but what would a 7 month old understand.

"She pouted at her dad, her lower lip tucking inside her mouth as her cheeks became more fluffier than before, making her look so adorable that could stop anybody's heart from the cuteness."

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