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Taehyung's pov


That's the only thing I could think of as I looked at the girl sleeping in my embrace.

"Her hair messed up, her cheeks red, her lips in a small pout as she looked absolutely adorable."

I remember she fell asleep in my arms crying yesterday and i just couldn't leave her alone.

"Talking about yesterday made me realise what deep things she hid in that facade of hers. Deep inside she was all alone and hurting but now I was going to be there for her."

"I am not leaving her".

She slowly opened her eyes still in my embrace, i watched her as she took in her surroundings and the fact that she was in my arms.

As soon as it hit her, she got out of my arms and hurriedly jumped out of the bed.

"I am sorry" she breathed obviously flustered.


"Don't be" i said patting her head and pecking her forehead before making my way out.

Sumi's Pov

Ok that was some kind of morning.

It was really ho- ahem I mean it was really shocking.

And the fact that taehyung pecked my forehead yet again made me a blushing mess.

"Good morning" i greeted him properly because before i was more focused on running out of the room.

"Morning Su" he smiled at me.

Wait what Su? Did i hear that right?

I looked at him obviously confused at my new nickname.

Aah is it ok if I call you that? He asked for my permission obviously understanding my confusion.

"Yes ofc" i replied. It's just a nickname afterall but i don't think my heart understands it right now.

The only people who called me by this name was Aera and my parents but hearing him call me that made my heart warm.

Oh by the way, bang pd called and he wants to see both of us.

Why? I found myself asking.

"I don't know, we will know when we get there" he simply replied getting up from his previously comfortable position.

I watched him as he made his way towards me, getting dangerously close.

Huh? I found myself wondering.

His figure towered over my smaller one, don't get me wrong but i am "pretty tall" but taehyung is obviously taller.

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