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Sumi's Pov

My time in America passed away in a blink of an eye.

"My daily schedule included waking up in my husband's arm, going to work even though i pretty much didn't do anything, sleeping at odd places and eating like a giant,dealing with my weird cravings , peeing every five minutes and the normal pregnancy stuff."

"Today is finally the day of the concert, everybody has been working so hard except me though, i just doze off watching them practice everyday. It's like my afternoon nap daily there. They even put a chair with cushion and blanket for me to watch them comfortably."

"Gosh, I am being coddled by everyone."

"I have gotten larger but I am still smaller than how i should be, even though i am carrying twins."

Talking about the twins we still haven't named them.

We will soon.

"Ok we are all set up" I exclaimed checking up on the last outfit.

Let's hope everything goes well.

"Let's do our best to cheer your appa hmm" i cooed caressing my bump

The stadium was starting to fill up, excited army filing in ,soon it will be transformed into a purple ocean

I went back to the guys who were just having last minute preparations in the dressing room. They were all dressed up, looking extremely handsome.

"My husband being the best ofcourse."

Ohh Sumi you are here! Jimin flashed me a smile coming towards me which i gladly returned.

"Taehyung flashed me a smile too, getting his hair done along with others."

You guys ready? I asked sitting on one of the couch.

"Sitting is pretty much all i do these days."

"Kind of nervous but excited to see the army" jungkook grinned.

You are gonna kill it! i cheered them pumping my hands in air.


"Cute" taehyung mumbled.


Finally the time, the stadium is full by now just awaiting the presence of the idols

"All the best" i wished the boys and they nodded their head before making their way to the stage.

"Won't i get a kiss as a good luck?" taehyung pouted.

In front of everyone? I whispered

"We are married, and it's not like they care" he whispered back.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now