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5 weeks later....

Sumi's Pov

End of first trimester

"I just hit the 15 weeks mark."

I still don't have a bump which slightly worries me but the doctor said it's absolutely fine.

Me and taehyung have gotten a lot closer. My feelings for him has been growing each day.

"Even though i know he will never be mine."

Me and taehyung bonded a lot with our little gaming time everyday which now also included watching Netflix (a/n: not the nasty stuff)

"I have nearly put off my wall in front of him but not Fully."

I act like my real self in front of him.

"The one who is insanely sarcastic, witty and a literal joker."

"That is the real me, not the cold me."

Though i have been really moody. Just yesterday i cried because i couldn't find my socks.

Morning sickness? Well yeah it's better but i still can't stand the smell of some things which taehyung has made sure that it remains far from me.

Cravings. Yup. I eat like a freaking giant and i still am not gaining weight.

The relationships.

"As for the rest of bangtan i have slowly started getting comfortable with them especially with Jungkook."

"We are nearly the same age and we have literal same interests that he found shocking."

Well moving on... Today is a very special day

Aera is coming back!!!

For those of you who don't know.

"Aera is my literal best friend. One of the most important person and only person in my life but I guessed that has changed now."

"We have been friends ever since we were 8 and i just came to korea."

She is the only person i trust and who knows the real me.

I haven't seen her since 5 months since she had a oversea project but i am more than elated to know that she is going to stay here now.

Well moving on again.

When will you start showing yourself little babies? I cooed as I rubbed my flat stomach.

This is my outfit for today

This is my outfit for today

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