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Taehyung's POV

Where are you going? I asked the girl who was scurrying off to the bathroom, wearing my sweatshirt.

"Now i understand what do they mean when they say that girls always steal their boyfriend or husband's sweatshirts."

"It's not like i am complaining, she looks so damn Adorable in it that i could eat her up."

To shower duh?! She replied literally running to the bathroom before i sprung up from the bed and grasp her wrist stopping her.

You are not going there alone!

"I remember when she tripped in the shower last time, my heart literally jumped out of my body seeing her lying on the floor. I am not taking the risk".

Taehyung we talked about it! she tried to get out of my grip.

I said we will talk later, what if you fall again?

"I won't, i promise i will be careful, i will leave the door open in case."

She gave me a pleading look that i couldn't resist as i sighed in defeat.


20 minutes, she's been there as I hovered near the door, sighing in relief once she gets out in one piece.

You tired again? I chuckled at her, whom was literally dragging herself.

I will survive.

"You shouldn't have played that much' i laughed remembering last night's events.


You wait and watch! My wife yelled at my group mate as they played games together.

We were in the lobby to discuss some stuff and very conveniently there was a gaming desktop there.

"As soon as we finished, jungkook took his place in front as my wife who was also forced by him took her place as well."

Now looking at her, I don't think she was forced in the first place.

"We all sat looking at the baby of our group on one side and my wife who was carrying babies on the other."

"To think just a second ago, she was whining to sleep and now energy is basically seeping out of her form."

"I never thought she would be as competitive as Jungkook" jin smiled looking adoringly at them

"All my group mates are as bewitched by her as i am. In the course of few days of living together, they have grown extremely fond of her, treating her as their little sister."

Yes! Sumi cheered jumping up and down

No! Jungkook groaned.

𝕌ℕ 𝕄𝕀𝕊𝕋𝔸𝕂𝔼 (𝕂𝕋ℍ)✔️Where stories live. Discover now