#Fourteen: In which her heart somersaults even though she thought it was broken.

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I peer deep into Matt's gorgeous green eyes, completely captivated by them. The cold from the water long forgotten. The shocked expression on his face almost makes me want to giggle. He clearly didn't expect me to be so bold and straddle him in place. But on the other hand, I never expected him to act as he did seconds ago either.

'W-Why did you stop?'

I ask my voice still husky. The feeling of his lips against my neck still lingers on my skin and I can't help myself but want more. I know I shouldn't be acting like this, feeling like this... Especially since it's only hours ago that I found out that Ian was cheating on me. But it just felt too good... No part of my body and mind wanted him to stop. I know you felt it too, so why did you hold back? I plead him with my eyes. There's an unmistakable pain on his face I can't describe as he gently cups my cheek, delicately stroking the flushed pink flesh as he murmurs in a deep voice that makes me shiver to the bone.

'Because we shouldn't right now. I shouldn't~'

I have to hold myself back from rolling my eyes in frustration as I stop him mid-sentence, placing my hands softly around his neck and pulling myself closer to him until we're just a hair away from our lips touching. Smiling, I look deep into his eyes as I whisper faintly.

'For once. Can you just not overthink things and ruin the moment?'

His face contorts in a mixture of agony and indecisiveness, which kills me from the inside out. My eyes wander down when I notice he's biting his lip, hard, as he's probably contemplating what's the right thing to do. With trembling fingers I softly skim over this lip ushering for him to stop, afraid he actually might bite himself to the point it starts bleeding. My breathing hitches as he gently lets go of his lip, answering my touch. God, how badly I want to kiss you right now... I curse to myself, my mind a complete jumble. It's now or never! I tell myself and before I can change my mind I crash my mouth onto his, kissing him deeply. 

Holy shit! I swear as he answers my kiss and I close my eyes, relishing in the taste. My fingers grasp his hair trying to get him even closer against me and a  groan escapes Matt's lips as he wraps his arms tightly around me, one of his hands near my shoulder as the other one cups my butt. I can't believe I'm actually doing this! I squeal on the inside, but Matt doesn't leave any room for me to reconsider as he pries my mouth open. His tongue completely devours me as I cling to him for dear life. Please, don't stop! I plead silently as my fingers roam over his neck and the stubble on his jaw while I tilt my head slightly, returning his furious kisses. I can feel him smiling against my mouth, which only makes me want to kiss him even more. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest as I continue to explore his mouth. I've never felt anything like this! It's as if my entire body has been lit on fire and I just want more. Your kisses are the best drug in the world, I'm sure of it. I moan as he gives me one last deep kiss before drawing back slightly, his forehead against mine as he rasps.

'You drive me fucking crazy... You know that?'

I manage to get out a giggle between my gasps for air as I breathe.

'Just admit it... You love that ...about me.'


He teases with a smirk on his face. But even though I know he's joking, it somehow hurts. How do you always find a way to screw up perfectly good moments? I sigh, suddenly wondering if this was the right thing to do. Matt spots the anxiety in my eyes and instantly puts one of his hands on my jaw, drawing me back to him. Kissing me once more. This one is different, more intense... I can feel the need and hunger inside of him, his teeth plucking and tugging at my lip as he kisses me even more fiercely. His actions easily erasing all of my worries in an instant.

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