#Forty-one: In which she gets her happily ever after.

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I do. Those are the only words I'm able to remember from the entire ceremony. I know Matt had held an entire speech, but I would have to see the footage to know what it is he said. The only thing I could focus on was the sparkle in his eyes as soon as he saw me walking down the aisle. Not even bothered to hide the tears leaking from his eyes as he smiled the most radiant smile I'd ever seen on his lips. Not that I did much better... He had literally stolen my breath away the second he turned to gaze at me. He looked like fucking Apollo himself. Standing there in his dark tux, molded over his toned body in absolute perfection. His messy hair was now cut shorter and his beard was neatly trimmed so he looked freshened up for the occasion. I had to keep myself from drooling all over the floor as I made my way to him, glad that Alex had a sturdy hold on me since my legs were trembling with the anticipation, that I was to be married to this gorgeous specimen.

The second his gruff hands captured mine I lost sight of everything around me. Only able to see him. My man, my love ...my home. I also speeched somewhere along the way, and all I'm hoping is that I actually stook to my script! Again, I really need to watch that tape as soon as I get the chance!

Matt even had to squeeze my hands when it was time for me to speak up, I was so distracted I hadn't heard a word the guy said. Earning a soft chuckle from him as I quickly muttered an embarrassed "Yes! I do!". Thank fuck that had been the right answer to the right question, otherwise, I would've made a complete fool of myself. Even though I skipped all the traditional stuff... Yes, I Lexi, la-di-la... Will take Mattheo, la-di-da... Nope, none of that. Luckily my thoughtful man caught on pretty quickly also answering with a simple "I do." in the most natural way as if we'd rehearsed it that way, and it was perfect like that. We were perfect like that...

I immediately broke down crying as soon as the words had left his mouth. Matt crushed me against him, his lips on top of mine before the priest even said so. I clamped onto him, both smiling and weeping as we kissed.

The party went exactly as I imagined it to be. Complete and utter chaos with a lot of laughing mixed in between. I think I speak for both of us when I say we regretted asking our best friends to make a toast. Ever since Rebekah's wedding, we anticipated her going all out, having completely forgotten about Néomy in the process. Matt and I were both mortified at times, but we also laughed so hard that we nearly fell on the floor. While I crossed my fingers in the meantime, hoping that none of the reporters had slipped inside... If one of them would've gotten their hands on any one of the photographs or stories that got told it would easily mean the end of our careers, along with a lifetime of embarrassment that came along with it.

But despite my worries up front, especially because the only party Matt and I had survived without battle scars up until now was Rebekah's wedding, everything went smoothly. I even ended up inviting my uncle and his family for the occasion. At first, it was a bit awkward. More so for Alex and Rebekah than it was for me. But we all ended up chatting and laughing as any ordinary family would. In the end, I even gave in to Matt's request by singing the song I sang for him in the hospital at our reception. He couldn't help but bawl as soon as the music started, not having expected me to follow through with that, almost causing me to choke up in the middle of it too.

It was the perfect fairytale wedding any girl could wish for... Until now...

'Baby, if you want us to go on our honeymoon you have to let go of the girls...'

Matt snickers as I keep kissing them over and over again. I can't help it! I think as I keep doting on my gorgeous girls who are now six months old. I'd given birth to three gorgeous healthy girls. Tatiana was the firstborn, Maritza came second and Luisa was the youngest of the three. Matt and I decided to stick with our roots and give them traditional names since they were all dark-haired beauties, resembling their daddy.

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