#Twenty-eight: In which their friends try to mend the broken pieces.

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'I'm so done with this shit!'

Néomy grumbles, throwing her phone on the couch as she turns to me.

'She isn't picking up her damn phone! She could at least send us a text not to worry...'

'Like it would actually make a difference.'

I sigh as I begin to clean up the mess from the party yesterday evening. My sister has always been a little selfish that way, keeping to herself whenever she's suffering. Rather being alone than having to explain herself to others, even if that means all of us are worried sick! I grumble stuffing a bunch of empty containers into the trash. The same thing happened when our parents died. Alex and I were crying our hearts out together, while Lexi took off with her car. Not giving us any sign of life for over two days...

'Oh, shoot!'

I shout, throwing the garbage bag aside as I quickly grasp my phone.

'What is it?'

Néomy asks, walking over to me to see what I'm doing as I ramble.

'I was thinking how irritating she can be in these kinds of situations, remembering the time she gave me and Alex a death scare just after our parents died... The two of us were livid she disappeared on us like that, so we forced her to put a tracker on her phone. That way we could at least follow her in case she pulled such a stunt again!'

'You only think of that now?!'

Néomy yells frustratedly as I give her a sheepish smile in return.

'Well, believe it or not, she kinda behaved since then so I totally forgot about it!'

I defend myself, heaving a sigh of relief as soon as I see the dot appear on the screen that indicates Lexi, showing it to Néomy as I say.

'Found her! She's in a hotel downtown.'

'Okay, at least that's something...'

Néomy sighs as her eyes linger on the screen for another few seconds. I give her a soft smile, putting the phone away to go and inform Alex I've found her before we both continue tidying up the place. Not knowing what else to do at this point... We've all been trying to get ahold of Lexi for hours ever since we found out she'd left. Matt providing us with a whole different challenge since he had locked himself in his room, reluctant to speak to anyone.

'It's all my fault...'

Néomy suddenly grumbles softly, putting all of the empty bottles by the door. A sullen expression on her face as she crouches down next to Bear, absentmindedly patting him on the back.

'We both know that when she sets her mind on something there's no stopping her. She would've gone to him no matter what, Néomy.'

'I'm not talking about that... I never should've urged her to drink! I know it turns her emotional filter to shit. Why did I let her drink goddammit?!'

She groans as Bear licks her cheek, trying to cheer her up.

'Stop it! No one could've predicted something like this happening. If we're going down that road I'm just as responsible as you! I was the one that let that shrew alone with Matt so she could carry out that vile plan of hers!'

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