#Forty: In which he gives away his best friend.

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'Matt! I swear to God if you don't find my shoes~'

Rebekah swears, a bundle of jitters while she paces around the room barefoot. Dammit, I know they should be here! I cuss, rummaging through one of the dozens of bags and boxes scattered in the corner. She's going to kill me if I~ Oh, thank fuck! I breathe, snatching the white pair of stilettos before scurrying back over to Rebekah as I say.

'I've got them, I've got them!'

'I'll slaughter you if we're going to be late because of this.'

She grumbles through clenched teeth as I bend down to help her put them on. This wasn't what I envisioned when she asked me to be the one to walk her down the aisle... I chuckle fidgeting with her dress, making sure there are no wrinkles or smooches insight as I mutter.

'You're the bride... You really think they'll start without you?'

'Oh, fuck off. It's just annoying that nothing ever goes according to plan!'

'Why? You didn't anticipate the curling iron to give up on you? Or the keycard problem? That's just poor preparation on your part.'

I laugh, jumping back the second she tries to kick me. Afraid her heel might drill a hole in me now that I'm finally all healed up as I raise my arms in the air and snicker.

'Hey! I can't help it your doomed when it comes to things like this! Hell, even your wedding planner scheduled your bad luck into her timetable.'

'She did not!'

Rebekah yelps outraged as she looks down at me. I give her a sideways smile, trying not to piss her off as I nod my head confirming she did.

'After the rehearsal dinner, she came to talk to me and Lex. She had the gut feeling that tight time schedules in combination with your ...misfortune, weren't a good mix.'

'How is it my fault again that the oven caught fire just before we were going to be seated?'

She grits as I walk over to one of the side tables picking up the veil. I let the fabric flutter beside me, being careful not to step on it as I walk back to her and laugh.

'You stormed into the kitchen demanding to see the menu again freaking the hell out of the chef, who because of it accidentally poured oil into an old wood oven! You're lucky the guy still wants to arrange the catering for tonight.'

She bites her lips, a painful expression on her face as she recalls the incident while I usher her to turn around so I can put the veil in her hair.

'You're right... I'm cursed, aren't I?'

I shake my head laughing as I try to get the clip in without ruining her hair but it somehow won't work. Gently I try to straighten it out but whatever I do it's still hanging crooked as she clasps her hands together and sulks.

'I can't even manage to get my wedding day right! Maybe it's a sign...'

My hands instantly stop moving with the lace fabric. Jerking her shoulders so she looks back at me as I try to tell her reassuringly.

'Bhek's... It's just who you are and we love you for it! Don't you think Ty realized what he signed up for when he asked for your hand in marriage?'

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