#Twenty-seven: In which she shatters and chooses to walk away.

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I stand outside, a shiver running over my spine as I think back about my marvelous dance with Matt. As well as what Charlotte told me earlier in the hallway this evening. You better make up your mind, before I do it for you... Her words have been echoing in my head over and over again ever since. Making me uneasy, to say the least. I had made up my mind, goddammit! But the way she said it made me question everything. Frienemies are apparently a real thing. I scoff to myself. I thought she had changed after what happened with Ian. But she's still the same manipulating bitch, she used to be! I swear and as if calling upon the devil she emerges beside me, her face annoyingly stoic as always as she asks.

'I was looking for you. Can we talk for a minute?'

'What about?'

I mutter, hoping I can still hightail out of here. Although, unfortunately, she seems resilient as she keeps me from leaving. Turning to me with a serious expression on her face as she answers with a resolute tone in her voice.


'Jesus, Charlotte. Not this again!'

I groan, having no intention whatsoever to share my private life with her out of all people. But, undoubtedly, she doesn't take no for an answer as she snaps.

'No, Lexi. I just want you to understand something.'

'Which is what?'

I sigh, finally turning to meet her gaze. Just get it over with... I huff, resisting the urge to pinch my nose.

'I am not going to give up on him... He deserves someone who will actually give him the attention he deserves, instead of being afraid to be seen around him.'

'Are you shitting me right now?!'

Who does she think she is?! I bite back the words, trying not to let anger take over as I mutter.

'Not that it is any of your business, Charlotte, but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.'

'You can't keep up with him, he needs someone that can move at his pace. Someone daring enough to satisfy his needs. God knows why he keeps following you like some goddamn puppy! He can do better than that.'

'Oh, let me guess... You're the better in that notion? Open your eyes and learn to take no for an answer, he has never given two shits about you!'

'Is that so? You know Matt kissed me that evening after your little birthday party, right?'


I stutter, feeling as if the floor underneath my feet is starting to crumble. That's impossible! I shake my head, leaning back against a pillar for support. Struggling to find words, my mind bounces all over the place not willing to believe what she's saying.

'Y-You're lying, Matt would never get involved with such a basket case as you! You've been stalking him ever since we were kids! You couldn't stand the fact that you never seemed able to grasp his attention!'

'Ask him yourself...'

She sneers maliciously, a smug look on her face while she plays with her long spiky nails. I want to rip her fucking throat out! I swear, already balling my hand into a fist. Digging my fingers into my skin as I try to distract myself, focussing on the bass that vibrates from the inside.

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