#Twenty-two: In which she's running about.

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'I forgot how bad it really was...'

Jake grunts, shaking his head as he looks under the hood. Me too. I sigh, as he turns to me giving me a look as if I've just gone mental while he asks.

'Three weeks?'

I smile awkwardly, as Jake shakes his head again leaning against the beat-up black metal that was once Matt's pride and joy.

'If you don't think you can handle it ...I can always go to someone else.'

I whistle looking around me. You won't let me, come on! I think, hoping that a bit of provocation will make him determined to take on the job. My lip curls up in a smirk as he instantly takes the bate.

'Of course, I can do it! But I'd almost have to build it back up from scratch. Buying a new one would be easier and less expensive, this is not an easy fix.'


I simply state. Not an option. I shake my head as Jake wails.

'Lex, this is every's mechanics worst fucking nightmare! Almost half of the bodywork needs replacing. Obviously, a new set of windows. And don't even get me started about what's under the hood!'

'Jake, no. I don't care what it'll cost or if I have to airlift parts from all over the world, it needs to be this car.'

I tell him determined. This is Matt's baby, she can't be replaced. That was the reason in the first place we got her out of the ravine so quickly back then and Jake knows this too.

'Are you sure he won't kill me as soon as he sets eyes on her?

He asks quietly as he walks around the car again, forcing the driver-side door open with a loud screeching sound that makes my hairs stand on end as I say.

'He may scream when he sees her, or pass out. But no, he won't kill you, Jake. If there's one person he'd trust with his car, it'd be you.'

I crouch in front of Jake who's sitting awkwardly in the jammed front seat, looking around the interior. Common, please! I bat my eyelashes at him, trying to persuade him. He gives me a little shove on the shoulder, grumbling something under his breath as he nods.

'Fine, I'll do it.'

'Thank you. Thank you, thank you ...thank you, Jake! You're the best!'

I squeal, slinging my arms around his neck. This will be the best birthday present ever! He laughs softly, patting my back as he mutters still not entirely convinced this won't be the death of him.

'Yeah, yeah... Just make sure by the time he finds out, he knows this was your damn idea!'

'I will, hahah, though I think he'll thank you on his bare knees when he finds out.'

'Let's hope so...'

He sighs, looking through the bent metal and nonexistent window. Dragging his hand through his hair as he groans.

'I'll better go and make some calls then. We need a lot of parts, and we need them yesterday.'

I nod, standing up so he can get out. He walks over to his desk, rummaging through piles of paper. He scribbles down a few numbers, before making a ball out of it and throwing it to me as he shouts.

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