#Thirty-eight: In which she gets an unexpected surprise.

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It's crazy how easily someone gets used to happiness. The realization that Matt and I were truly together settled quicker than I could ever imagine. Matt made sure of that. It has been nearly half a year since that night in the corridor but not a day had gone by where he didn't show me how much he loved me. Both mentally and physically. He made it his mission to please me on every front possible, and he succeeded.

Yes, happiness was easy... Real-life however... Well, that shit is a whole other matter. Word spread like wildfire when people found out I was seeing someone. Not to mention the complete frenzy that broke loose as soon as people caught me wearing a ring. Yes... True to his word Matt had run to the jewelry store the very next day. He'd crept out of the house early in the morning and bought me the biggest and most beautiful engagement ring he could get his hands on. The bloody thing didn't leave any room for people to doubt what was going on, Lexi Davins was tying the knot.

I look down at my hand smiling, my heart blossoming with love as I admire the rock on my finger. It's a gorgeous golden woven ring with a large diamond in the middle, accompanied by green emeralds alongside it. Matt had inevitably shown me he did in fact have a romantic bone in his body when he told me the ring itself reminded him of my curly hair and the emeralds represented his eyes drinking me in. I broke down, crying from bliss the second he slipped it onto my finger. Once we had calmed down again the two of us enjoyed breakfast in bed before breaking the news to the others.

I did worry about the price afterward, especially considering what happened last time around... And I asked him to at least consider sharing our bank accounts now that we were going to be married. It took some time for him to agree with that, but after some tactful persuasion, I managed to change his mind. In Matt's case, blackmail comes in the form of sex. Hot, steamy, mindblowing sex! I'd recently discovered I could get him to agree to anything once we're in the bedroom. The only problem with that is it also works the other way around ...and Matt knows it. I'm not complaining about it though, it had caused some memorable nights I'd never forget. I grin to myself, playing with the ring around my finger.

'Good morning, gorgeous...'

Matt's gruff voice rings in my ears before he wraps his arms around me from behind, kissing me on the cheek.

'Goodmorning baby.'

I smile, knowing he loves it when I call him that even if it still embarrasses me sometimes. He grins cheekily, tilting my chin so he can give me a proper kiss before glancing over to the laptop in front of me.

'They really can't get enough of us, can they?'

He mutters with a sigh, seeing there's another photo of us plastered against the front page of the news. At first, he had a really hard time with all the sudden attention. I knew he knew what he was getting himself into, but envisioning it and living in it were two completely different things. The first three weeks paparazzi followed him everywhere ...and I mean everywhere! Trying to dig up some dirt about him. For any person that would've been a lot to handle, but because of what happened with the shooting it was even worse for him. People sneaking around didn't exactly contribute to getting over his trauma. There had been many occasions he'd actually jumped at the clicking of the cameras. I'm glad he's been honest about it though... We had spent hours on end talking about it and I promised him I would be there with him every step of the way. We were in this mess together. Besides, it could never be worse than all the shit we'd been through already. Since I was still on my hiatus I had more than enough time to ease him into my world and Delphine didn't mind it either. Now that we were the talk of the town there wasn't any rush for me to record a new album anytime soon.

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