#Four: In which she'll dig up a piece of ancient history.

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I close the door behind me, immediately sinking to the floor while dragging my fingers through my tangled hair.

'Someone looks like shit.
You know, considering you were stuck in an elevator with someone as hot as Tyler for the last few hours...'

I lift my head in Rebekah's direction, her voice sounds teasing but concerned at the same time. I leave out a sigh, not even trying to act like I'm happy. I cross my arms and put them on my knees, leaning my forehead against them.

'I feel like absolute shit!'

I groan, not knowing what to do about this whole situation.

'What the fuck happened?'

She mumbles, knowing something is off. I look up and see Bheks standing against the wall next to me, both her legs and arms crossed with a frown on her face.

'He called me beautiful this afternoon..'

I whisper, biting my lip. I'm pathetic. That's all I need to say for her to understand what's going on. She groans and slams the back of her head against the wall.

'Not this again...
I agree the boy could have a better choice of words, but hell! It's not like he knows Matt used to call you that!'

She shouts, throwing her hands in the air out of frustration.

'Dammit, Lex!
I thought we were past this!'

She mocks and she is right, I thought so too. At least, until today.

'It gets worse...'

I mutter, knowing she isn't going to like the next part. She looks at me with a painful face as she walks over to me and crouches in front of me. I gather all my courage and just start spitting the words at her.

'I told you I passed out in the elevator earlier, right?
Well... I had this weird dream. I was at the beach with ...Matty.'

I mumble, already feeling my eyes getting watery just thinking about it. Truly pathetic.

'It felt so real!
I knew it wasn't ...because Matty was acting different, but~'

'What do you mean by different?'

She asks her voice soft, assuring me that it's alright to talk to her. It's just strange to chat to Rebekah about it sometimes. I know she'll never spill to him, but it's just weird because Matt's her best friend.

'He acted all nice and stuff, like we were together or something..'

I sigh, knowing it sounds stupid. It was just my mind playing tricks on me and I feel like a fool for wanting to believe in it.

'He looked exactly the same, it creeped the hell outta me!
But suddenly I got so mad. A part of me doesn't even know why I got that mad.'

I say my voice barely a whisper, the scene going on in repeat inside my head. Bheks doesn't say anything. I'm not sure if she just doesn't know what to tell me, or if she's just listening and taking it all in.

Ghost from the past  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now