#Ten: In which he realizes it's all kinds of fucked up.

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As I get back from the store, after cleaning up the kitchen with Rebekah, and after I finally rid myself of all the smoothie residue, I drop the bags of groceries on the counter and I yell.

'Bheks, I'm back!'

But she is nowhere to be found and she doesn't reply as well. Strange... I walk into the living room and scream again, this time a little louder.


'...I'm upstairs!'

She rasps in a muffled tone. That doesn't sound good. I think as I start walking upstairs to see what's going on. I can hear her moaning and groaning in the bathroom as I rumble at the locked door while grumbling.

'Bheks, what the hell is going on? Open the damn door!'


She swears loudly from the other side as I continue to fray at the door trying to get it to open. Jesus, what else could go wrong today?! I groan to myself as I mutter.

'The door? Hold on, I'm coming in!'

'WHAT?! Like hell you are, I'm in my goddamn underwear!''

Rebekah cusses panicked from the other end and I can't help but chuckle as I curse back.

'Bheks, are you kidding me right now? I put like a dozen tattoos on your body, I've seen you in your underwear plenty of times already!'

'That's not the same!'

She shouts defending herself. I let go of the door handle not being able to open up the door like this, shaking my head as I murmur taking a step back.

'Stop whining already and get back! I can't get this stupid lock to open, I'll have to barge in.'

At least I can't say it ever gets boring around here. I sigh with a smile on my face as I brace myself before storming towards the door.


Is the last thing I hear Rebekah shout as I collapse into the frame, the crashing sound of it coming down overpowering what she's trying to say. Shit! As I manage to get past the door, having it run down almost completely I stumble in front of Rebekah, and mumble.

'You okay?'

She drags a hand through her hair and over her face looking up at me, tapping her foot as she groans exasperated.

'...You bloody idiot.'

I look a little surprised at her reaction infuriating her even more as she points to the door, which is hanging on by a tread, as she yells.

'The door wasn't stuck! I locked it because I was taking a shower, you moron!'

'Then why did you yell you got stuck?!'

I ask her perplexed. I nearly crushed my shoulder trying to save your ass! She can't help but giggle softly looking back at the entrance, before pointing behind her as she murmurs.

'I never said I'm stuck, I said it's stuck... I was talking about my favorite dress, it got stuck in the bloody dryer!'

Ghost from the past  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now