#Fifteen: In which he tries to give her space, forgetting what's most important.

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Urgh... I groan softly, drowsily opening my eyes only to find Lexi cuddled up as she's spooning against me. Her ass digs against my groin while her head is tucked between my arm and chest, still sleeping peacefully. So far for keeping a distance. I smile thinking back about how she tried her utmost best to keep an appropriate gap between us last night. I glance around us to see Rebekah is already awake busy on her phone, not even noticing I'm awake as well while Alex is still snoring like a log. The sun has barely risen over the ocean suggesting it hasn't been long since the crack of dawn. As my eyes wander over the calm waves I can't help but think back about last night, my heartrate exhilarates instantly. I can't believe we've actually kissed after all these years... I gaze back down at Lexi's sleeping figure. Even if the timing was rather shitty. I groan, hugging her tightly to my chest making her spin happily like a cat as her arm claws at mine. You're gonna do my head in little fox... I smile settling back down wanting to enjoy this feeling for another minute, knowing it'll end before I know it. My fingers play with her hair as I reminisce about what to do. I know she's still hurting over what that jackass did to her. I grumble silently as she shifts in place, only digging her butt deeper against me. Dammit, beautiful. Cut it out already... I groan. Even with the sleeping bags sandwiched between us, her actions do little to help my morning issue. But as I try to pry my hips loose from hers she follows me as if she was glued to my side. You're killing me here! I swear, biting my lip as I try to calm myself down until a sudden giggle rips my eyes away from her. When I notice Rebekah is watching the both of us with a vexing grin on her face I can't help but swallow slightly before she whispers.

'Got a little problem there Romeo?'

I roll my eyes at her before looking down at Lexi as I ask, unable to keep a smile off my face.

'Where's the off button? I can't get loose, she claws to me like a cat protecting its toy.'

My comment only humors Rebekah even more as she gets up walking toward us. She crouches down in front of Lexi, one of her fingers tickling her behind her ear. Making her groan softly in frustration. Her happiness now being disturbed she shifts her head, allowing me to pull my arm from underneath her. She lets go of my other arm curling into a little ball, protective holding her hand over her ear.

'Good to know...'

I murmur to Bheks as I quickly sit up before she changes her mind and finds the opportunity to cling back onto me again. Rebekah stays down, eying me up her finger-pointing between me and Lexi as she asks intrigued.

'How did this came to be? Because last I remembered before I fell asleep, was that the two of you were at least a foot apart.'

With my hands behind me in the sand, I tilt my head back chuckling softly before looking back at her sideways as I say.

'It's not what you think. She was still shivering from the cold. I didn't want her to get sick, that's all...'


Rebekah nods skeptically not believing a word of what I'm saying. I sigh, throwing my hands in the air already knowing she made up her mind anyway.

'Jesus Bheks, nothing happened! I was actually quite surprised to find her stuck to me like glue since she made a point last night to stay away as far as possible from me with her body..'

'Not that you minded it...'

She wiggles her eyebrows, but I wave her off as stand up and grumble.

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