#Two: In which she gets reminded of something she lost a long time ago.

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!!! Important !!!

My lovely 'Ghosts'

As you might have read in the summary, I want to add a lot of songs into this book.
I want to make sure you all understand I have NO rights to ANY of the songs/videos I use in my book!!!
Even though I may mention Lexi is singing/recording these songs as hers,
ALL credits go to the original artists (and/or cover artists) and their producers!!!

I just find these songs fitting with the storyline and it took a lot of time researching for them. I just hope you all appreciate the selection I made and further all the credits go out to them for making it sound amazing! Again, I only own the rights of the book I write itself.

I will also name all the original song titles and artists (and/or cover artists) by the end of each chapter.

Enjoy!! xoxo Dominique Moust.


I swear under my breath as I enter the recording studio, already hearing Delphine's wrath. Good thing I'm prepared for once! My eyes immediately spot Delphine in the recording room, looking cranky as ever. Fuck! My eyes change direction quickly looking for Ryan, who's sitting with his headphones behind the spinning tables, panicking and clearly wishing I'll be here any second. Guess what, sweety? I'm already here. I think as I sneak up behind him, pressing a kiss on his head. Within a split second, Ryan turns around yanking off his headphones. Staring at me as if I'm a dead person, that has risen from the grave...


I ask in utter confusion. It's not like I've never been late before... Apparently, my words shook Ryan out of his comatose state because he immediately jumps up and grabs me in his arms.

'Oh sweety, thank god you're alive!'

He says pulling at my hair and picking at my nose and cheeks, to make sure I'm actually ...me!

'Did someone abduct you?!'

'Where is your cap? You always wear a cap!'

'Did someone steal it from you?!'

'Dear lord, we were so worried! We thought something might have happened to you!'

'What happened? Do you have pain anywhere?'

While asking me a million questions, he's almost scrambling my brain and body in the process as he keeps shaking me around with his arms. A-As if making .. my b-brain into .. an s-s-smoothie .. would make his list of q-questions .. g-getting answered any q-quicker...

D-Do y-you m-m-mind-
L-Letting me g-go!
B-Before I ... t-turn into f-f-fucking ... j-j-jelly?!'

Ryan immediately loosens his grip on me, covering his mouth with one hand slightly embarrassed. Damn, R-Ryan.

'D-Don't worry about it, honey. You're a-adorable when you're worried about me.'

Ghost from the past  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now