#Thirty: In which her voice resonates from the soul.

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'I'm going to kill her someday!'

I swear as I throw my empty coffee mug into a dozen pieces on the kitchen floor. The shattering sound drowns out Matt's engine which I heard rumble only a few seconds prior. The screeching tires against the pebbles in the driveway make my hairs stand on end as he quickly drives off. She did this on purpose, on the day of my concert no less! I fume, my hands itching to throw something else. Reluctantly I hoist myself off my chair, knowing today isn't the day to let my emotions run wild. I tiptoe through the kitchen to make sure I don't hurt myself as I start gathering the broken pieces. Remind me, in which belief are broken shards of dinnerware supposed to bring good luck again? I huff, throwing the fragments into the garbage and getting out the vacuumer. Because at this point I don't care who I need to worship, I could use some of that.

'Some? Rather a whole damn bucket!'

I swear mockingly, working my way around the kitchen to make sure all the tiny slivers of porcelain are gone. Dammit, that was another one of my favorite mugs... I grumble, hating the fact that my sister seems to love putting her nose where it doesn't belong. At this rate, I won't have any mugs left to drink out of at all. Sighing I get down to my knees, my hands swiftly skimming over some of the tilework to make sure everything is gone when my fingers trace the spot where my mug collided against the floor. Apparently, I'd hit a weak spot. I think as I notice a little piece has been shaved off the rim of the tile. Luckily the flooring is quite robust in general, so no one will probably notice. I huff still kneeling on the floor when I suddenly hear a familiar voice snicker from behind me.

'What on earth are you doing? If you've changed religions, you must at least know the basics and pray that way.'

Néomy points to the side, somewhere near the window as I scramble back up.

'I haven't changed my faith, you twat.'

I mutter slapping her shoulder. Though I can understand why you'd think that, seeing me sprawled down in the middle of the kitchen floor. I add mentally as she raises her own arms in surrender laughing.

'Hey! I won't judge, I've been around so many beliefs and religions I don't even remember my own.'

'I get that. And it's not like my beliefs have been paying much attention to me lately, but that wasn't why I was on the floor. I was checking the flooring for splinters because I smashed another bloody mug just now...'

I scratch my head as I avert my eyes. Néomy snorts with laughter, not even bothering to comment. Thank Fuck. She passes me by, gathering the cable from the vacuum cleaner before setting it back in place. In the meantime I've plopped back down on my chair, dragging a hand through my messy curls as she walks over to the coffee machine and says.

'Seriously Lex, this has got to stop.'

'Tell Rebekah that!'

I snap back at her not in the mood for another lecture. I've got a goddamn concert to worry about! Néomy raises one of her brows, turning in my direction and away from the coffee machine motioning for me to go on since she has no idea what happened just now.

'She's the one who dragged Matt into the kitchen a few minutes ago. He clearly didn't suspect seeing me either since both of us acted awkward as hell! She put both of us on the spot, today out of all frikkin' days!'

She doesn't look even remotely surprised as she crosses her arms and mutters with a bored tone.

'Well, you were bound to walk into each other at some point. What's the big deal? This is what you wanted, right?'

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