#Thirty-seven: In which she gets her happy ending.

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'I love you gorgeous... I love you more than words could ever explain.'

Matt whispers and I can't help but smile against his mouth as I dig my heels deeper against his ass. Desperately clinging onto him afraid this is all just a dream and I might wake up at any second. Gently he places me down on the bed, climbing on top of me as his fingertips brush away the last of my tears. He looks down at me with pure adoration as he murmurs.

'You're never, ever, getting rid of me again.'

'I don't want to.'

I smile, placing my hands around his neck so I can draw him closer to me. When he first tackled me in the hallway I had no clue what had gotten over him. His entire demeanor oozed dominance as he threw me against the wall and started kissing me furiously, now I understood. I was feeling the same aching need to have him close, to claim him as mine... I delve my hands into his hair, tugging at the strands as I bring myself up so I can kiss him again. He happily obliges, deepening the kiss as he pushes me back down on the bed. His muscular torso presses tightly against my tiny frame as he rakes his hands all over me. Swiftly tugging at the ends of my robes, desperate to get them out of the way as he hungrily groans against my mouth. The vibrating sound sends a shiver down my legs as I start tugging at his shirt.

This isn't like any other time we'd been intimate before... Everything feels hot, urgency burning in every touch or stroke. Matt appears to be going through the same hunger as he easily rips my bathrobe aside, a low rumble escaping his throat as his eyes feast on my body before he catches me in another heated kiss. His hands graze over my bare skin until he cups one of my breasts, giving it a tight squeeze as he growls.

'If you want me to stop, you better say so now...'

'Don't you dare stop!'

I warn him with a moan. The thought had crossed my mind to take care of myself after we'd come home and I stepped into the shower. My pussy had been begging me to, still aching for a release after Matt left me hot and bothered. Thank fuck I didn't listen... I pant frantically tugging his shirt up. The desire to touch him is so overwhelming I feel like I'm about to pass out if I don't. He props himself up on one arm, helping me out as he throws his shirt across the room. My rapid breathing exhilarates even more as I glance over his toned body with feverish eyes. Sweet Jesus... He gives me a sly smile, flexing his muscles and I can't help but ask slightly worried because he just carried me to the room while he's only just recovered from his wounds.

'Are you alright? If you're in pain we can~'

'I'm fine. Doc gave me the all-clear this afternoon.'

Matt quickly reassures me as he slips his hands down my sides. His eyes are dark and filled with lust as he tangles his fingers through the straps of my panties. God, I'd been so infuriated when you left me hanging on the beach... I think, sucking in my breath and closing my eyes with anticipation but it seemed all worth it now. Every shitty thing that had happened over the years was worth it because it led up to this... I shudder, forcing my eyes back open determined not to miss a single second of it. My mind feels fuzzy as I let my fingers graze over his chest, teasing his nipple piercing before working my way down to the rim of his pants. As soon as I press the palm of my hand over his bulge a groan escapes his lips before he grumbles in a low voice.

'You better not play with me beautiful... Because I'm not holding back this time.'

'I don't want you to...'

Ghost from the past  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now