#Twenty-five: In which he takes her home.

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'I'm still not sure this is a good idea.'

Lexi grumbles as she continues to fidget anxiously with the bottom of her dress, as she has done for the past ten minutes ever since we've left down the mountain. I still don't know what came over me, going to the crash site right after I've finally gotten Louise back. You sure as hell knew how to surprise me and swap me off my feet. I grin, having had no clue whatsoever she was planning something of this caliber for me today. I'd been wondering what you had in mind for my birthday... But never in my wildest imagination, I would've guessed this!

When I pulled over by the metal railing a string of horrid flashbacks fought their way back into my mind as I saw myself tumble down the ravine again in cracked images. I've only been back once before, to see if my car was still down there when I had just healed up. Not knowing my little vixen had already taken care of it. I scoff laughingly, still amazed they had managed to keep this to themselves for so many years ...But this time it was different. Driving up there myself in my impala had me tense up completely. I knew I had to do it if I was ever going to shake off what happened back then.

We stayed there for about half an hour, not leaving before having another heated makeout session in the car of course. Both of us not finding the words to talk about it aloud, but craving the need to replace those awful memories with different ones. Every caress and taste wiped away another layer of pain we had both carried with us for years. Healing the mental scars for once and all. In place replacing them with much more delicious and better things to think back about.

She knew as well as I did that this was different from every other time we had kissed before. It was as if we saw a glimpse into each other's souls... It was a raw passion, mixed with pain and understanding altogether. By the time we finally broke loose I was on the brink of losing control. The yearning feeling to have her soaring in my bones almost became too much to bear. Fighting myself, holding back the desperate urge to blurt out how much I loved her. But I knew we had to stop there...

My mother would kill me if I didn't drop by after I promised to do so. I groaned before we both gathered ourselves heading back to my house. Or rather, my parent's home since I grew up elsewhere. Lexi's carefree attitude also took a turn as she started to freak out more and more the closer we got.

'You'll be fine.'

I smile, not able to tell her she isn't the only one that's nervous right now. I've never brought a girl back home... I sigh, not knowing how this is going to go down. Rebekah doesn't count. She's been coming over since we were little kids. I add mentally, pulling up the driveway and I immediately feel her tense up beside me as she focuses her gaze on the front door.

Even though we haven't said we loved each other... Even though we hadn't even discussed if we were officially an item now... Here I was, about to introduce her to my parents... I can see in her gaze that she is a nervous bundle of jitters, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The sight of it is both amusing and nerve-wracking at the same time. Unintentionally making me feed off her anxiety, increasing my own as well. I swallow hard, wondering how my mother would react. Fearing for the worst. She's gonna love her, I'm sure of that... It's all the other overwhelming motherliness that I'm worried about! I grunt. Not knowing how to prepare Lexi for, well, everything that is my mother, Dolores...

As soon as we get out of the car and I walk up to Lexi, Melody comes sprinting out of the front door. Dashing, or rather crashing, against my chest giving me a tight hug as she squeals.

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